tunku |
- Kalimah Allah Don't Need Approval From Tokong But The Name 'Penang' Does?
- Salam Maulidur Rasul
- LGBT: Is It Only A Problem For The Muslims/Malaysia?
- Nusantara Seminar: What's Next?
Kalimah Allah Don't Need Approval From Tokong But The Name 'Penang' Does? Posted: 23 Jan 2013 08:30 PM PST Many were shocked with media report yesterday saying that Penang Chief Minister, Tokong Lim Guan Eng, once again stressed that any new events which want to use the word 'Penang', should acquire approval from the state government before using it. The excuse, to identify which political party is organizing the event, to avoid any misuse. The statement was made as a response to the hosting of the 2013 Penang Run which is supposed to be held during Thaipusam. Considering that the event is endorsed by the state's Youth and Sports Department, Lim's statement automatically means that the Department had been denied of its powers to approve for any event, showing the Tokong's real dictatorship. This country has never seen a Chief Minister taking such an arrogant measure in claiming the name of his state as his own. How would it be if the federal government are to ask the opposition to seek for approval before they use the word 'Malaysia' in any of their events? What about the abuse made by Pakatan Rakyat in using the word Rakyat in their events such as Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat"? Because in PR's mind, rakyat only mean one thing, it means 'all Malaysians', even if the party does not represent all rakyat. We can even see that majority rakyat reject PR just like during the HKR#112 where only 45,000 'rakyat' attended. It seems that the closer the election comes, the more Lim began to show the real side of him. Not enough with taking over Islam's rights, wanting to use kalimah Allah in the Bible, now he wants to deny the rights among people of Penang over their own state's name. Guan Eng's actions can be seen as a paranoia where he is scared of his own shadow. He never feel safe and he does not trust anyone. As Chief Minister who receives support from rakyat would never suffer such paranoia. It is clear that Guan Eng is aware that the whole Penang hates him. Not that we don't know that Guan Eng hates other races. How can rakyat respect a Chief Minister who do not trust them and has plans to chase them away from the state? If Guan Eng does not respect other race and religion, he does not deserve the rights to be respected even from himself, his race and his religion. Whatever it is, he is lucky because most Muslims in this country are smart. We do not know what would happen to Guan Eng if he does the same thing to other Islamic States. That is why we could see how only a few PAS supporters dare to step on DAP's flag despite of their ties with DAP. However, we cannot tell the future. Perhaps Guan Eng will be stepped on by the end of the day. Thus, Guan Eng should learn how to respect others. Respecting others would not just be a political benefit, it would also be good for one's personal safety. Just a reminder for Guan Eng, paranoia is just a psychological problem. People of Penang do not need to suffer having a Chief Minister who is a racist, chauvinist, kiasu, stupid, not transparent and inefficient, please do not add up their suffering with psychological problem. |
Posted: 23 Jan 2013 10:51 AM PST Ya Nabi Salam 'Alaika Ya Rasul Salam 'Alaika Ya Habib Salam 'Alaika Sholawatullah 'Alaika Anta Syamsun Anta Badrun Anta Nurun Fauqo Nuuri Anta Iksiru Wagholi Anta Misbahush Shuduri Ya Habibi Ya Muhammad Ya 'Arusal Khofiqoini Ya Muayyad Ya Mumajjad Ya Imamal Qiblataini Ya Habibi Ya Muhammad Sholawatullahi 'Alaika |
LGBT: Is It Only A Problem For The Muslims/Malaysia? Posted: 23 Jan 2013 09:30 AM PST The world is changing, and nobody can deny it but I don't think anybody could guess what it's changing into, and whether it's for the better or worse. Some say, it's getting better - with this deafening call for freedom, equality and 'human rights' being heard by more and more countries. While some, express their worries and doubts over the threats that the freedom, equality and human rights may posts, to the religious beliefs, cultural values as well as human and family virtue. Some, however, just decided to not think at all, but accept anything that comes from the 'voice of the world' or more accurately, the westerners, which they look up as more civilized, more informed or the 'smarter' race. They believe that anything that comes from there must be good and the right things, even though it defies their religious beliefs. There is a strong evident that psychology plays quite a role in the way we see the changes in the world today. The uprising Islamophobia seems to have influenced some judgment. In other words, their 'phobia' that now turns into 'despise' , has caused some of us to believe that anything or everything that spells 'Islam', has to be backward, wrong and unwise and everything or anything otherwise, must be right or better. To the extent that it clouded the facts some of the teachings in Islam are also taught by other religion. The most similar religion to Islam must be Christians as both share the same history of the prophets. Although similar in its history and some of the teachings, but it is as far apart as it can be in its core, which is the subject of God where Islam worships Allah SWT and nothing but Allah SWT, and Jesus is human who is just another Prophet, while Christians takes Jesus as God or God's son or partly God. However, whatever similarity that the two religions might have is now vague as the Bible has gone through many amendments and changes, whereby the AlQuran remains the same and unchanged since the day it was sent. While the Bible now is a book that tells the tales of Jesus and Christianity, AlQuran is basically guidelines and information of life for the future, as from the day it was sent. For example, it tells in details of the condition of a baby in the womb and the facts of the universe even before human could figure them out. The striking similarity that remains is that both Muslims and Christians love to preach to each other which is evident in the social network - at least in Malaysia. And through this, I notice that while the 'good Muslims' are constantly calling for their brothers and sisters to go back to basic, the AlQuran and Sunnah, but the 'good Christians', however, are going the opposite way from the Bible. Many Christians seem to be calling for liberalism or pluralism and many of them are openly supporting LGBT while at the same time, condemning the Muslims or Islam for condemning the group. Then again, this may only be the case for the Christians in Malaysia because, as far as I know, LGBT is incompatible with the beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious groups, not just Islam. The Catholic Church, Presbyterian Church, United Methodist Church, Southern Baptist Convention, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, National Association of Evangelicals, and American Baptist Churches USA all oppose to it and same-sex marriage. July 31, 2003: Statement from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and approved by Pope John Paul II, stated that "marriage was established by the Creator with its own nature, essential properties and purpose. No ideology can erase from the human spirit the certainty that marriage exists solely between a man and a woman". Therefore, I find it weird for Malaysian, especially, Malaysian Christians to support gay rights as it not only defy the eastern culture and value, but also their religion. These Malaysians seem to believe that it is this conservative, backward, stupid Islam that is discriminating LGBT, and often ridicule all statements made by Islamic bodies on the subjects. It seems to never occur to them that their religion opposes the group too. It is important to note that while Islam acknowledges a person with two-sex condition (khunsa) where the person may choose to live as one of either sex that strongly makes his/her personality, but Islam, nor Christians acknowledge a 'natural attraction or desire towards same sex' simply because there is no such thing. Gays and lesbians weren't born as gays or lesbians. All of them only become one after a 'try-out' either voluntarily or by force. In an Islamic country such as Malaysia, it is easier to prove so, whereby all the gays that were 'caught', admitted that they only become gays after one little experience somewhere in their teens or early adult. Most reported cases stated the first experience as, 'forced or raped by their seniors in college'. Those aren't strong enough to get over it, would be the ones most probably end up living as gays or bisexuals. So, it's not a natural condition, in fact, it's a psychological problem and no wonder, the Islamic religious department happened to have 'cured' quite a number of them. The lesbians are less credible in their argument of being a 'born-this-way'. Most of them admitted of having bad experience with men and chose to just give up on them. This proves that it is not about natural sexual desire, but simply a crave for attention and affection. Transexuals or in Malaysia, is called Mak Nyah, Pondan is a case of men with the heart and mind of a woman. They see themselves as a woman and dying to be one. This is a psychological confusion which may have caused by a traumatic experience, environmental influence or even hormonal imbalance since born - which can be treated with hormonal drugs and proper counseling. However, some of them, whom many of them and the society might not realize, might also fall into the group of 'khunsa'. In such case, they should get a medical evident whereby, they can practice their right to choose a sex which they are comfortable with, and nobody should deny them of this right. The point is, if Islam condemning LGBT is considered by these so-called open-minded, educated Malaysians as stupid and backward, they must also admit that Christians too, is stupid and backward. And so are the half a million French who marched down the streets on 14 January on another series of an anti-gay demonstration in the country and protest of same-sex marriage bill. The Vatican had acknowledged the success of the demonstration in its website. And what about the Russians who marched down the street on 22 January for the same reason as the French? Or the Russian government for banning what is called 'Gays Propaganda' which includes spreading information, no matter how insignificantly small about LGBT. Are they as stupid and backward as the Muslims in Malaysia too? Facts about LGBT today: There are 55 countries opposing LGBT, 93 supports, 27 refused to vote and 17 were not present to vote. However, as of Sep. 12, 2012, only 11 out of 194 countries allow same-sex couples to marry: the Netherlands (2000), Belgium (2003), Canada (2005), Spain (2005), South Africa (2006), Norway (2009), Sweden (2009), Argentina (2010), Iceland (2010), and Portugal (2010). Are all the 194 countries stupid and backward too? In America itself, only 9 out of 50 states legalized gay marriage. Are all the Americans in the 39 states stupid and backward too? This is a fact which I believe all educated, open-minded Malaysians would agree, regardless of their religious beliefs that, LGBT and its objective of gay marriage will lead to more children being raised in same-sex households which are not an optimum environment for raising children because children need both a mother and father. Girls who are raised apart from their fathers are reportedly at higher risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy. Children without a mother are deprived of the emotional security and unique advice that mothers provide. An April 2001 study published in American Sociological Review suggested that children with lesbian or gay parents are more likely to engage in homosexual behavior. In the 1997 book Growing up in a Lesbian Family: Effects on Child Development, Fiona Tasker, PhD, and Susan Golombok, PhD, observed that 25% of sampled young adults raised by lesbian mothers had engaged in a homoerotic relationship, compared to 0% of sampled young adults raised by heterosexual mothers. And I don't think that I need to remind any of you that HIV and AIDS are originated from homosexual activities. Allah SWT has created the world with rules which we called 'nature'. The moon and the earth moves around in exact timing and route, just as our blood flows and heartbeat has its rhythm, timing and certain rules to ensure of a perfect function. This is nature. Should the earth be shifted only a few mm., it would be doomsday. Nature also sees that everything is created in pairs just like man and woman which are created for each other, blessed them with love and children, and therefore live in peace. Allah SWT then promised that, should the nature be defied, things would be ruined. While defying nature is stupid, condemning Islam for condemning LGBT, is pure hypocrite. |
Nusantara Seminar: What's Next? Posted: 23 Jan 2013 07:00 AM PST The paperwork presentation made during Nusantara Seminar on January 18 -20, should be taken as a guideline for all Muslim, especially Malaysians in facing challenges and obstacles. As for the context on Malaysia, where Muslims are still looking for their identity and path, a presenter from Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Hj Ali Mustafa Yakub who presented the paper on "Purification of Thought and Development Among Indonesian Muslims", is very interesting. Looking back at the history of Islam in Indonesia, he concluded that Islam does not fall on a particular race or Arabic culture and it does not fall on a fixed image. For example, Arabic style attire or the dome, that does not really define the symbol or mark of Islam, it is only based on the imagination and speculations based on the environment. Putting a special 'image' on Islam could cause trouble where Muslims tend to make their own judgement on Islam. Islam is a religion that is suitable at any place or time. So, when Islam came to Java, it never really change any of Javanese's its culture, image, nor structure. That is why the religion was easily accepted by Javanese because they do not have to make any drastic change in terms of their lives. In short, the change is more of a spiritual change. Taking note from the paperwork, Muslims in Malaysia should admit how we went a little overboard in focusing on the image of Islam instead of focusing the main picture of Islam. From there, Muslims began to judge one another which then leads to fights. And from there, people begin to idolize individuals based on their appearance up to a point where it seems very easy to become an Ulama, by just showing the image of Islam to public. This issue was clearly brought out by a presenter from Malaysia, Prof. Dato' Dr. Sidek Baba, a lecturer from UIA in his paperwork entitled "Islam in Southeast Asia: Challenges and Hope". Accordding to Prof. Sidek, Malaysian Muslims are now under the threat of shallow mind as they focus more on image instead of knowledge. Today, the concept of dakwah in Malaysia is more of in form of criticism. From there, people began to has this prejudice against one another and they refuse to unite. A real preacher is suppose to convey the spirit of love, respect and union and they should not support the act of sentencing one another. This concept was clearly explained by Ustaz Kamal Saidin in a separate session which is also a continuity from the seminar. According to Ustaz Kamal, "These Ulama like to take over the work of Allah SWT (sentencing) instead of performing their real tasks". Because of these Ulama, Muslims today only focus on image because they are worried if they are criticized by the public even if their basic of Islam is still weak. In other words, they got busy perfecting their 'image' instead of doing any good deeds. This issue has somehow led to another issue where the message of Islam do not get to places that matters. As those Ulama gets busy trying to 'Islamise' the country, the law and Muslims, they somehow missed other things such as Bumiputera in Sabah and Sarawak as well as Indigenous people from the Peninsular who are still yet to receive the message of Islam. Few of the things which were exposed during the seminar include the discussion on how a few bumiputera were really interested to learn about Islam, but sadly, the Christians got to them first. Despite that, they never really give up on wanting to learn about Islam where they would send their kids to gain information about the religion through ceramah in schools etc. At the same time, the Christians would work hard to approach the group but there are no response from Islamic Ulama. Thinking about how a few Muslims who brought the image of Islam can still fall under the trap of false Ulama, what about those who do not know much about Islam. Even if they do want to learn about Islam, they can easily be confused as kalimah Allah is being used by other religion. Thus, the conclusion from the seminar has helped us to see the obstacles which are faced by Islam today. The answer towards solving all of the issues however, is still yet to to be found. From there, the suggestion given by a Parliament Member from Cambodia, Tuan Haji Zakariyya Adam who is also a presenter on a paper entitled "Socio-Economic Development For Cambodian Muslims" in establishing the "Supreme Islamic Reference Centre" for the ASEAN region where all Ulama around the region would work together to handle the issue in an organized manner. The conclusion, Nusantara Seminar was a success, but it would not change anything until further actions are taken |
DEEPAK AND HIS MYSTERIOUS CLAIMS, ANWAR’S STRATEGY BACKFIRE Posted: 23 Jan 2013 04:34 AM PST Deepak Jaikishan has again postponed his interview with MACC, second time in just a few days…despite his previous burning desire to tell all to MACC on his allegations about PM Najib and wife and what ever as being probabloy instructed by Anwar Ibrahim. The only problem is Deepak, the carpet seller does not seem too keen to reveal to MACC despite his talks at press conferences or he just do not have the documentary evidences as he claimed. Logically, if he has the docuements as he claimed and with the burningn desire as reflected in his interviews with the press, he woulod have run…not crawl…to MACC to proof to Malaysians he is not 'playing politics or being made used of by Anwar and gang.' But postponing the interview with MACC, which he himself made the appointment is something very mysterious, considering he claimed to have all the documents and proofs. Talks have it that Deepak is being abandoned by Anwar and gang when he hit out at Rafizi Ramli because Ramli had taken 'the limelight' on the issue from him. Now when MACC is willing to listen and investigate, the carpet seller stalled…giving excuses…something fishy is going on and wonder where the fish is. So now the carpet seller is in deep trouble and it is not easy for him to wrangle his way out as Malaysians are waiting and his credibility is at stake…probably this is nothing to him but given what he had voiced out the past few weeks, he is actually not credible, just like PM Najib Tun Razak commented. Deepak's game, if it is a political game, affected Anwar and Pakatan as a whole and only thinking Malaysians know this, those who seek the truth on the matter, not the make-believe stories as told by Anwar and gang. And many are now tired with claims and allegations made but no evidences…hard and solid…to backed the claims and allegations. Thus, Anwar and gang are hard-pushed now to present evidences to all their allegations and claims…and in the meantime, all their games are being exposed one-by-one…as the saying goes…stark naked for people to see. It is not easy now to influence people with just claims and allegations as voting Malaysians, even the young ones, are curious to the extent they want to see evidences…hard evidence…not just mere words. |
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