tunku |
- Sulu Drama: Tian Chua Need To Explain To Lahad Datu Residents
- PAS Stood In Silence As There Is No Hudud In PR Manifesto
- Sin Chew's Interview With Wan Azizah: Anwar's wife wears a RM5 worth of ring.
- Rosmah's Black Magic, Another One Of Pakatan Rakyat's Accusations
- Lahad Datu: Najib slams Harun Taib's "heroes" remarks
- Yuktes open letter to Anwar - Sodomy II
Posted: 19 Mar 2013 02:30 AM PDT PARTIES IN PAKATAN PACT FACING TURBULANCES PARTIES in Pakatan Rakyat (PR) are in a disarray, in fact they are now locked in bitter 'battle' for seats with each of them thinking they can win…in short safe seats. Where they got their information that those seats are 100 percent theirs is immaterial but the fact is they are fighting among themselves for those seats and the 'battle' is only between DAP and PKR. PAS has got no problem because DAP and PKR are not interested in seats where Malays are the majority voters and the party has always on a one-to-one contest with Umno. DAP has always been on a one-to-one contest with MCA while PKR, being the 'new boy on the block' is currently 'searching for its base' which it has yet to identify as the party stands for no philosophy or concepts. It struggles for only Anwar Ibrahim to be the Prime Minister, which PAS does not acknowledge nor recognized because PAS is set to have party president Abdul Hadi Awang as Prime Minister. Putting aside the PM post that will be a long drawn battle if…that is if…the pact wins, the immediate 'bitterness' between PKR and DAP members regarding seats allocation is already a 'big problem'. DAP seems to have an upper hand in the seats allocation that makes PKR members 'pissed off' and the obvious will be these dissatisfied and disgruntled members will not vote for either DAP or PKR. Given the situation, PKR is of course at the losing end while DAP still has support from the Chinese who love the party's chauvinistic approach and style. PKR has no philosophy and stand as its only struggle is to get Anwar as Prime Minister. And Anwar, being the man he is, is obsessed with this objective to the extent that he will do anything, besides selling his soul, he even is willing to sell his race and religion. That is why even right now, he even does not mind being make use as a stooge by DAP as long as he gets what he wants. But DAP is not without trouble as the Malays are now distancing themselves following the recent issues that involved the use of word Allah and low-cost housing for lower middle-income group in Penang. However, DAP is still influential among the Chinese as the party does not deviate from its struggle in championing the Chinese cause. Thus, the party is able to call the shot by 'trampling' on PKR as the latter is not strong enough to stand up and fight, in addition to PKR's chief Anwar who needs the DAP for him to be the PM. Thus, the scenario is a turbulence for parties in the opposition pact as their members fight to get the seat they want and the leaders continue to play politics to convince voters that they are united. |
Sulu Drama: Tian Chua Need To Explain To Lahad Datu Residents Posted: 19 Mar 2013 12:56 AM PDT Claiming something as 'drama from UMNO' is a standard phrase for Pakatan Rakyat to escape from their own trap. This phrase is often used anytime and anywhere, including when the matter of life or death as well as the country's sovereignty's at risk. As if the whole world runs around UMNO-PAS or BN-PR alone. The Sauk tragedy showed terrorist group, AlMaunah ate up the opposition's provocation saying that the government is kafir and they should be fought against, we also claimed as drama because they refuse to admit that it came from their doctrine. And now, the matter of Sulu intrusion is just as same. Even though some of our security forces were killed, the opposition still insisted, saying that it is just mere drama. PKR Vice President, Tian Chua, the person who champions this drama claim, has been charged because he refuse to withdraw his statement. The sad thing is, not even a single PR leader say anything to him, proving that they bless his actions. This causes PR supporters to keep on believing that this is all just a drama while insulting security forces officers, including those who died. We do admit that those are the ones who are too absorbed in the political world which they can no longer see anything without linking politics into it. It is impossible for us to stop these people. Thus, we have no other choice but to keep on explaining as well as praying that they will come back to their senses and accept the truth. However, PR, especially Tian Chua, cannot simply runaway from this matter. Tian Chua is responsible to explain to Sabahans, Lahad Datu especially, on what he meant by drama. If Dato' Seri Najib came down to see the people as well as our soldiers there, even former Premier went as well, Tian Chua has no excuse to not head there to describe the situation based on his theory. We would like Tian Chua to meet up with residents who had to move out from theirt houses and those who faced those terrorists and tell them that it is just a drama. More importantly, we would like Tian Chua to meet up with out security forces and tell them that they are just part of a play and their fallen friends are actually alive and well. If this is just a drama, Tian Chua should have no problem to go there and he has nothing to fear. And if this is really a drama, this should be an advantage for the opposition and Tian Chua should really head to Lahad Datu. Isn't it what the opposition wants? So that rakyat will believe that Barisan Nasional government intentionally invited one of Anwar Ibrahim's old friends to attack our country to raise the identity card issue in Sabah? And that as if the identity cards were given to Sulu people as long as BN could win in Sabah, but all the sudden BN decided to attack and clear out Sulu people even before they get to vote? Isn't this the thing which opposition supporters are selling in their social network page? Isn't this the thing which Tian Chua has been telling them? That the government is just playing this drama? Thus, we would like Tian Chua to show the world how Sulu people will not kill him because everything which the government media has been telling are just drama. If not, how can Tian Chua prove that he is telling the truth? |
PAS Stood In Silence As There Is No Hudud In PR Manifesto Posted: 18 Mar 2013 01:00 PM PDT Up until today, it seems hard for us to find any PAS supporters who talk much about PR Manifesto even though it has been almost a month since the manifesto was launched. Instead, it is turning to a regular thing when we see PAS members and supporters only read the manifesto at a glance, some even look at the cover and that's it, as if it's not that exiting for them. PR Manifesto, launched on February 25, really broke most PAS supporters because the manifesto did not mention anything about hudud. They were shocked and sad, perhaps that is why most ceramah and PR political campaigns including PAS seem slow these days. All these while, for the past 20 years, PAS leaders and supporters are always proud of their hudud issues that they even belittle how Islam UMNO is, and now, there are nothing but silence. Up until now, PAS leaders had to stay silent from answering questions on why hudud is rejected by PR, because they are scared if their answers are wrong and their big brother, will scream at them, or that the relationship between PAS and PKR would grow apart. If they are to answer those questions rhetorically while lying, they are scared that their supporters might be raged and because they are not fulfilling their promise. From there, DAP and PKR can't help but to smile because they managed to prove their supporters they are the decision-makers for PR and PAS will stay as their loyal dog. Perhaps in the final days before GE13, some PAS leaders might just try to sell the hudud issue to their supporters, then again, what is the use? Fact is, PAS fail to influence PR to accept hudud. Hudud will forever remain as PAS' dream and their party politics. |
Sin Chew's Interview With Wan Azizah: Anwar's wife wears a RM5 worth of ring. Posted: 18 Mar 2013 06:00 AM PDT Chinese newspaper, Sin Chew recently published an exclusive interview with PKR President, Datin Seri Wan Azizah, to get her response on current issues as well as the coming election. We do not go through Wan Azizah's comments because they are predictable where everything which the government has done is bad, and the opposition is the best, other than saying that her husband is the holiest man in the world who kept on becoming victim of the government. All the claims are false and everything has to do with UMNO including Lahad Datu incident where her husband is never involved and he only met with Misuari to have a regular chat. Obviously, those are Wan Azizah's regular responses, so no one need to waste their time asking her anything. However, the interesting part of the interview would be what is Sin Chew's motive for giving cheap publicity to Wan Azizah? Because the things which they focused on were not current issues. Instead, it is about how humble Wan Azizah really is. According to Sin Chew, Wan Azizah do not use any jewelries unlike most wives of government high officers. Instead, she just uses a fake pearl which cost RM5. Our message to Wan Azizah, don't have to pretend to be humble. The RM5 pearl does not mean anything to be compared to her family's luxury home which cost millions of dollars even when the husband does not really work. Who has been covering the expenses for food, education for the children, going in and out of the country, hotels for her, her husband and children? However, in another angle, it is not impossible that Wan Azizah did speak the truth about her RM5 pearl, because if we are to look at all the expose made regarding her marriage with Anwar, we would find that most of those who are close to the family do admit that Anwar has never really given any attention or luxury to his wife, so that he would seem like a good politician. But, at the same time, Anwar gives all the luxuries to his scandals. Few of the stories which were exposed in court include his adopted brother, Suka Dermawan who was given a special room in his own house as well as huge capital to develop his own company. The same thing goes to Shamsidar Taharin, Azmin Ali's wife, who is Anwar's scandal, who gets high income for working as a Company Director without having to work at all, other than getting shares and jewelries as gifts. While his wife, Wan Azizah, is told to use the moderate wife image so that his misconduct would not be detected. Recently, we read the expose made by an assistant of one of Anwar's lawyers, Yuktes Vijay, who said that Anwar did not have to spend even a cent in most matters because he has a sponsor. If this true, it seems that Anwar has a very rich sponsor. Logically, if someone is sacked, even if he was a Deputy Prime Minister, the life would not be as luxurious as it was before, especially after 13 years of it. Just imagine, Anwar would appoint almost 10 lawyers each time he heads to court. His lawyers are famous lawyers who definitely charge a large sum for their service. Thus, how could he pay for those legal fees, cost of living as well as his political career? Obviously those things would have cost billions. With the unlimited fund, how cruel could Anwar be for letting his wife put on a RM5 pearl? Other than Anwar's cruelty against Azizah, lets not forget the expose made by Keadilan's Youth Deputy Secretary, Lokman Nor Adam in early 2012 about how when Anwar was in prison, Nurul Izzah received money worth USD200,000 from Joseph Estrada, the Philippine President at the time, for efforts to free Anwar. The money was then given to her mother, Wan Azizah. However, until Lokman left PKR, Wan Azizah did not put even a single cent to the party's account. The same thing happen when Lokman's friend, Nasir Husin, who was also detained under ISA, received cheque worth RM5 million from Datuk Soh Chee Wen, on the name of Wan Azizah to help the party and Anwar Ibrahim. However, the same thing happened where not even a single cent was given by Wan Azizah to the party. This matter was revealed since 2012 but until now no one is suing Lokman Nor Adam, not even Anwar, even though suing people is part of his hobby. That is why, if Sin Chew is amazed over Wan Azizah as she is willing to put on jewelry worth RM5 during their interview, they are right. Imagine, even when the family stole billions of ringgit, Wan Azizah still pretends to be modest by only wearing jewelries worth not more than RM10. |
Rosmah's Black Magic, Another One Of Pakatan Rakyat's Accusations Posted: 18 Mar 2013 04:37 AM PDT We can no longer deny that website Suara Pakatan Rakyat is the only pro-Pakatan Rakyat website which really speaks up for leaders and supporters of PR. For example, its front page today, the website mentioned openly about most opinions from PR supporters, 'Even If Anwar Is Gay, So What?' Even though we cannot accept the rational of the website on the matters of gay, but we should respect it for its honesty in expressing PR's true stand. Even when Anwar himself is not brave enough to mention about it. However, this does not mean that the website is not biased in writing about current issues. Just like all leaders and supporters of PR, the website would always blame everything on Barisan Nasional, UMNO, its leaders and their families. This include the life and death of people, anything which could be used as their political asset. They do not care if the ones who died were regular citizens such as Amiruddin who died after speeding his car trying to runaway from the police, their own members such as Teoh Beng Hock who was the key to exposing corruption issues surrounding PR leaders, national heroes who died in Lahad Datu, and the latest, Balasubramaniam a former police officer and private investigator who was directly involved in Altantuya's murder case, everything was blamed on UMNO. According to SuaraPR, the report on Bala's death which was said to have been caused by heart attack should be questioned because it happened not long after Bala arrived in Malaysia. The website argued that Bala has been living outside of Malaysia for years and nothing happened to him, only when he arrived in Malaysia, he suffered heart attack? Twice! The website even claimed that Bala's death was caused by Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor's witchery. We need to remember that previously, PR accused by saying that Bala fled the country and he was sponsored by Datin Seri Rosmah. However, Bala's constant accusation made against Datin Seri Rosmah proves that the story made by PR is not true. The interesting thing is, a few days before Bala's death, PR leaders, including Chegubard, mentioned that Bala was cursed, as soon as Bala suffered the first heart attack. This ridiculous claim was linked with a book known as 'Black Rose', written by Deepak Jaikishan who mentioned about Datin Seri Rosmah's dark practice. If it is true that Datin Seri Rosmah could curse anyone until they are dead, obviously Deepak would have died long before Bala did! This is a clear evidence to show PR's confusion and belief towards power other than Allah SWT when it comes to life and death, even if it is fated. Because of that, even after years of performing solat hajat so that they could see the truth, they still refuse to accept the truth which can be seen in court as well as video recording's of Anwar's misconduct. Unable to accept the truth about Anwar, they even prayed so that UMNO and BN would be crushed to make it easier for them to head to Putrajaya. It seems, for PR, anything that happens today is not from Allah SWT, instead, they are in BN's power, including life and death. They have became blind, so blind that they could not see how bad Kelantan is in terms of economy, social and moral. They could not even see how comfortable other states are. In their eyes, Kelantan is still the best because Nik Aziz has ensure that every women in the state cover their aurat, even at the same time, the state is on top when it comes to social issues, and even when acres of Malay lands are taken by DAP and after 20 years of not being able to settle water supply issue. Instead of solving those issues, all they do is blame everything on BN. Clearly, PR has put aside all teachings from the Quran for their political interest. Thus, in matters of claiming that Datin Seri Rosmah practices dark magic, the opposition not just throwing accusation, they are also syirik for instigating and breaking the society. Do know that the whole three are big sins in Islam, even bigger than the aurat issues which is one of PR's, especially PAS', proudest achievement in Kelantan. |
Lahad Datu: Najib slams Harun Taib's "heroes" remarks Posted: 17 Mar 2013 11:55 PM PDT PUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has lambasted PAS Dewan Ulamak chief Datuk Harun Taib for his remarks that ridiculed the sacrifices of the security forces fighting Sulu gunmen in Lahad Datu. Najib said the National Fatwa Council had established that the 10 policemen and soldiers who were killed in the fighting died as martyrs (syahid akhirat). Harun was quoted as saying in Kuala Terengganu recently that the security personnel had only died as heroes ("syahid dunia"). "We regret that even dying as martyrs is being politicised. "What's their agenda now," the prime minister said when presenting letters to imam to perform the haj on Monday. tunku : for pas only dying for their party is considered shahid (martyrs). this is what has been thought to them by their leaders all these while. |
Yuktes open letter to Anwar - Sodomy II Posted: 17 Mar 2013 10:49 PM PDT Yuktes Vijay – This letter was sent to online portal , Free Malaysia Today 12th March at 2pm. Sadly this letter is not being published by them. Have read here : Dear Dato Seri, Salam 1Malaysia. I have been an avid fan of you since I was 12 years old. Your arrest in 1998 was one of the reasons that spurred me to do law and take on the fight for civil rights. However, much has changed since then as you can see. Your role as an Opposition Leader is an important aspect of democracy. We, the rakyat, expect you to be diligent and honest in performing your role. But, sadly that has not been the case. There are reasons for me to feel skeptical about. And, if sadly you become my PM, I want to be at least assured that my country is in safe hands. Terrorism links A certain Suvrokamal Dutta, a renowned television celebrity, political commentator, and foreign policy and economic expert, wrote an article for MeriNews . The article was subsequently republished in a blog themalaysianrascal.blogspot.com . This are the excerpts from the article itself : "Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi a leading IslamicTheologian and visiting his personal house in Doha, Qatarraises many questions. Qaradawi is the unofficial Muslim leader of the Islamicworld and he supports suicide bombings against Israel as well as femalecircumcisions. At Qaradawi's house Anwar Ibrahim also met Khalid Mashaal as perunofficial reports. Mashaal has taken responsibility for numerous suicidebombings, killing and wounding innocent civilians, including helpless women andchildren. The trip as many have claimed could be a part of damage control onpart of Anwar Ibrahim after his open support to Israel'sdefense of national security claims a comment which was not appreciated in hisown country Malaysia." " …..Anwar Ibrahim has close and personal contactwith the Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT) sources say Anwar hadpersonal contacts with Youssef Al Nada until at least 2011 reports claim Nadapersonally visited Anwar when the latter was on a visit to USA in 2011. Nada anEgyptian banker has been designated by the U.S.,the UN and Switzerland for having financed terrorism through an extensive financial network andproviding support for terrorist-related activities, including those undertakenby Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaida. "Nada founded Bank Al Taqwa, the financialinstitution known to have provided cash transfers and investment advice to AlQaida in preparation for 9-1-1. Other close friends of Anwar includes HishamAl-Talib, former director of one of Al Nada's companies and now with Ibrahim'sIIIT in the US; as well as Dr. Mohammed Manzoor Alam, co-founder with Al Nada of Al Taqwa Bank. "Anwar has also served in the board of Al-Baraka Bank which has a questionable history which the US claims to be one of the main conduits for funding Al Qaida and other terror outfits. Anwar is also one of the founding members of the International Institute for Islamic Thought (IIIT) in the US, which is under-investigation by US Federal law enforcement agencies since the late 90s, for the suspected financing of terrorist organizations such as Al Qaida." Referring to the abovementioned excerpts, I am sure you already have your standard template answer of blaming Barisan Nasional for such "allegations". The problem is Dato Seri, the writer is from India, the story has not been exposed in Utusan nor any UMNO bloggers has played this up. Furthermore, I assume that if PKR can believe Deepak and his slanders, I am entitled to believe this opinion of a writer who has NO links to Barisan Nasional or UMNO. So, tell me Dato Seri, are all the allegations mentioned above true? Did you meet or have any contact with any of the individuals above? These are serious allegations against an aspiring Prime Minister for a man with such links will surely compromise the security of my country. You did not sue Datuk SK though he alleged that you had sex with a prostitute. He could not have been anymore defamatory than that. He challenged you to sue him but there has been no action on your part. Say that I assume you did no sue him because it was a waste of time and he has UMNO links, why bother suing Utusan? Selective suing? My question with regards to this is simple Dato Seri . Are you going to sue this writer? Please clarify the allegations made as a citizen of Malaysia I am worried that my next PM may be a terrorist in disguise. Fake Democrat My next question is Dato Seri, is regarding your role in PKR. When the Johor DAP and Johor PKR engaged in war ofwords for seat allocations, Lim Guan Eng and you issued gag orders. Lim GuanEng issued the order as a sec-gen of the party. In what capacity did you issuethe gag order? In true democracy, leaders are elected. As such,the gag order should have been from Wan Azizah. You preach, yell and echodemocracy but you yourself failed to be elected into your own party. What exactly is the problem? You asked Wan Azizah to step down for you to contest in Permatang Pauh. Why don't you take helm of the party the same way? If you feel that party duties are a burden to you, then why act like a party supremo? This is hypocrisy at its very best. It is clear that the word "democracy" is apolitical tool in your armory. You do not even come close to practicing what you preach. If you want to debate the Prime Minister, at least be worth his time. I am sure a leader of any country for that matter has no time to engage in a debate with a con artist. Chameleon I tried refraining from calling you a chameleon many times but your latest statement in the Sydney Harrold makes me change my stand on this issue. How can you go for a rally, shamelessly cry that Lynas wont be given a licence to operare and then flip flop your stand. Why is it that it is hard for you to have a consistent stand? You are bringing the term " Do what the Romans do in Rome to a whole new level ". You seemingly are an Indian warrior when you are with the Indian community, a Malay imam scholar when you are engaging them and a Chinese economist when discussing with the community. I can state various instances where you have exhibited chameleon like qualities but I do not intend to dedicate much time to it as I feel the rakyat themselves can rewind to themselves to such instances. Con Artist I do not care what was given to the Indian community in Buah Pala. What did you promise them? Video evidence suggests that you said that if Pakatan Rakyat wins, you will not evacuate the village. Unless I have been in a coma, I am sure that Pakatan Rakyat rules the Penang Government and Kampung Buah Pala is no more. Even if compensation were given, doesn't it prove the point that you would do anything to realise your dream in becoming a PM? Your famed back problem is another one. You seemingly seem to be in a lot of pain during Court trials and I personally can vouch for that. However, when you are in a ceramah, you can hop around and dance around without an ounce of pain. How is that even possible? Dr Hoogland used his magical wand on you? Freedom of Media You are such a hypocrite. How can you demand for freedom of media now when you were the one who actually constructed steps to ensure it is privatised. Remember NST Dato Seri? The time you were taking on Ghafar Baba for the DPM post? I got to remind you all this because apparently you have such a short memory. You did not complain or make efforts for the independence of media back then. You know why? The media was praising you and hailing you. But since now they are crticising you, media freedom is suddenly such a big agenda in you cards. I mean how hypocrite is that. Just like how u spinned the PTPTN abolishment tale though it was your brainchild. Debate with the PM You see Dato Seri. The reason I adored you once upon a time is because of your oratory skills. I will be the first to admit that your skills are amazing and engaging. I admire them even to today. But, for you to call the PM for a debate? It does not make sense. You were in UMNO. You became an UMNO Youth Chief defeating a certain Suhaimi by a mere 10 votes though you were just new to UMNO itself. I don't remember reading you debating him or using any sort of democratic process to win the election. You won because you were Mahathir's blue eyed boy. Period. You want to debate the PM because it is what you are good at. Why don't you challenge the PM in something which he is good at like fulfilling promises and having various economic reforms. I am even willing to write a petition to the Selangor Government now to get you a pay rise for you to think about economic reforms and not merely ceramahs. I am sure RM 1 is not at all sufficient for me to dedicate my time and effort for a job. The conclusion here is Dato Seri, I pray no one becomes me. I adored you only to be shattered, disappointed and upset to have known the real you. You are a good politician, no denying that. But to some people like me, you were a hero. And you conveniently crushed it. And before I bid farewell to you this time around, please stop acting like you are a reformist. A Mandela like figure. You were sacked from you post as DPM. You did not resign in protest or whatsoever like what a true reformist would have done. A true reformist would have resigned if whatever you claim about UMNO and BN is true now. |
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