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Posted: 30 Jan 2013 01:30 AM PST

For PAS at present, losing former deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa is nothing compared to losing partners DAP and PKR because both the parties could deliver them the Chinese and Indian votes.
PAS is confident of retaining the members and supporters vote when the party made a U-turn on the issue of using the word Allah…not actually knowing the grassroots and die-hards fundamentalist members are getting more frustrated.

The party leaders especially NIk Aziz Niki Mat playing to the gallery of Lim Guan Eng and Karpal Singh on the issue as well other issues that anger the hard core members who do not trust the two parties and their leaders.

Despite them (PAS hard core members) being loyal and follow whatever decisions taken, they are not as dumb as they look to be…they are smart now and know what is right and what is wrong.
Their distrust towards Anwar Ibrahim and DAP leaders began after 2009 when they saw Anwar's move from outside to take control of the party that saw many leaders aligned to the fundamentalists were voted out and replaced by Anwar's liberals.

Mohamad Sabu or Mat Sabu, a rebel rouser who is Anwar's stooge was voted in, defeating intellectual and fundamentalist Nasharuddin, paving the way for Anwar to begin his control in PAS.
Whatever councils PAS have right now are under Anwar's influence directly and indirectly, after having his men in the supreme council since 2009…the day PAS lost its defence without knowing it.
Since then, internally the fundamentalists have been trying to sustain their hold on  the party but the heavy presence of liberals aligned to Anwar is too much which saw president Abdul Hadi Awang giving in slowly to the pressure.

And Nasharuddin's expulsion was one of many Anwar's strategy to destablise PAS and make it weaker so that PKR can stand out better in the opposition pact.
What is happening in PAS now is exactly what Anwar wants…internal friction that will make the Islamic party weak and lose direction…become liberal and pluralistic.

Anwar now controls the party right up to the Syura council given the decision to expel Nasharuddin is 'out of the blues' as majority of the members of the council are fundamentalists who do not even trust Anwar.
Although the decision came as a surprise to many, even to Nasharuddin, the political world in the country knows Anwar has won in gaining control of PAS.
It is now up to PAS members, who are die-hard fundamentalists to bring back the party to its original objective before it becomes a real platform for Anwar to 'cleanse himself'.

Even Karpal Remembers Nik Aziz's Birthday, How Can Azizan Forget?

Posted: 30 Jan 2013 12:01 AM PST

On January 28, Nik Aziz was reported to have attended a Thaipusam celebration event in Penang organized by Pakatan Rakyat. Those who attended the event include DAP Chairman, Karpal Singh.
And by evening, Nik Aziz visited Karpal Singh at his residence followed by a celebration of Nik Aziz's birthday, complete with a cake decorated with all of PR's component parties.

Harakahdaily reported that the visit was very welcomed by Pakatan Rakyat supporters that some of them ended in tears. That is how happy they are to see the friendship between a person who is called Mursyidul Am and an Anti-Islam leader, working together to reach Putrajaya.

It is not wrong if we are to say that the happiness which they had on Nik Aziz's birthday is just as same as Malaysiakini readers' happiness as they celebrate the dismissal of Nasharuddin Mat Isa from the Syura Council through their comments.

For your info, Nik Aziz's date of birth is January 10, 1931. We are not sure whether Karpal did the preparation to celebrate Nik Aziz's birthday at his residence or it was planned by Nik Aziz's side.
If Nik Aziz's side was the one which planned the event, then it would be weird because during the visit to the north, he was reported to have visited the residence of Kedah Chief Minister, Dato' Seri Azizan Razak on January 27. That is why, Nik Aziz could have celebrated his birthday at Azizan's home instead of Karpal's.
Perhaps, unlike Karpal, Azizan might have forgotten Nik Aziz's birthday. As we all know, celebrating birthdays is more of a 'Mat Saleh' culture and it is not a norm for PAS people. That is why, we are not surprised if Azizan and Nik Aziz never even remember their family members' birthdays, or even celebrate it. Besides that, PAs is also famous for being a bunch of chauvinist men where they are not really friendly with their family.

Thus, PAS members were somehow touched with Karpal's effort in celebrating Naik Aziz's birthday. Perhaps this is the first time they personally understand the meaning of 'appreciation' from others. Tok Guru definitely believe that this is the meaning of true friendship.
If this is how Karpal appreciates his friendship, then it is not surprising why Nik Aziz focuses more on DAP's orders than demands from PAS or even the Quran itself. Considering that Malays do appreciate whatever it is that is given to them, Tok Guru would definitely feel 'embarrased' to go against opinions or orders from Karpal after this.

Looking back at history, before PAS became friends with DAP, PAS was famous for taking extreme approach in going against non-Muslims. During the time, some PAS members even followed an unwritten law where they should never vote for non-Muslim as their assemblyman. This is the main factor why UMNO is rejected, all because of the excuse where UMNO works alongside MCA and MIC.
However, those are all old stories, before PAS gets to know DAP better. PAS has now changed, the party is now even more open than UMNO.

Today, UMNO would die defending religion and race, but PAS would die rather than leaving DAP. For PAS, let Hasan Ali die, let Nasharuddin go, as long as it pleases DAP.
Besides, Karpal is just fighting against Islam, not Tok Guru, right?

Holy Book Reading: A Session To Promote ‘Mis-understanding of Religions’

Posted: 29 Jan 2013 04:00 PM PST

On 27th January 2013, a session called 'Holy Book Reading' has been held at Dataran Pidato, Padang Kota Lama, Pulau Pinang by a so-called 'independent' group led by a man only known as Kevin. The objective was to promote understanding of each others' religions, which is good, even 'virtuous', if was organized properly. But what 'understanding' is they talking about if none of those involved are qualified to talk about his/her own religion? Take one person in the group, named Mislina Mustaffa, for example, a controversial D-class actress who once admitted openly that she doesn't know what Islam really is – imagine how would she make others understand something that even she doesn't even know about? Is this just one of the continuous attempts to enrage the Muslims, to promote prejudice and eventually a religious conflict and chaos? As we noticed, a few of those involved are known to have participated in some other demonstrations before and are very close to SUARAM, an organization known to be linked to foreign agencies involved in regime change missions around the globe. Therefore, it is not impossible that this 'little' session may not be so little, if fact, it is a huge, organized mission of changing the government, and the world. One may ask why the Muslims are so paranoid, and may not understand why is an open discussion on Islam or religions can be so wrong? Well, for those with faith, I mean with true faith in his/her religion would understand that a wrong interpretation of the holy books would mean a serious misunderstanding of the religion that could lead to a devastating effect of an absolute opposite of what is taught by the religion. Al-Quran does not bear the words of man, but words of Allah SWT, the one and the only, the Almighty, the Creator of the Universe. This is evident in the words in Al-Quran about the babies in the wombs, the moon and the stars and the universe and etc. that were told even before the scientists discovered these secrets. The Al-Quran even reminded the Muslims about the Jews and their lasting hostility towards the religion of Allah SWT and the Muslims, which is evident in what we see till this day - in Palestine and everywhere else. Unlike the holy books of other religions, Al-Quran is not a book that tells the story about the past, but tells us about the future from the moment it was passed down, to be used as a guide in living our lives till the end of time. Therefore, Al-Quran must be handled with respect and care whereby, when touching Al-Quran, one must first be clean, properly dressed and gone through a partial ablution or 'wudu'' which is the same washing procedure prior to perform prayers. And obviously, Mislina, didn't know anything about this, judging from the way she dressed at the session. So, what Islam or religion was she talking about? There is a serious lack of intelligence of the people who taught that all religions are the same when they don't even understand their own, what more each and every other religions. Islam acknowledges the existence of other religions and the Al-Quran specifically tells the Muslims to respect other religions and never ridicule or insult them. But that doesn't mean Islam is the same as other religions because that would mean that Allah SWT. and other religions' Gods are the same - which is the greatest unforgiveable sin of all. People like Mislina and her 'tiny' group must have failed to understand the facts that all religions call for the same good values and morality as well as good behaviors and intentions, does not mean that Allah, Jesus, The Hindu Gods and Goddess or the Buddhist Gods must be the same. Allah SWT is the one and only. Jesus is three in one. Hindu Gods and Goddess come in numbers. They can never be the same and can never be one even if all of these Gods and Allah SWT call for the same good values, morality and intentions. What even more mind boggling is that, none of these religions give a green light or an 'okay' to LGBT, but the reading session group seems to be forcing the idea to themselves and others. So, who is this group kidding? Other people? Themselves? God? The reading session wasn't at all about understanding religions but it's about leading people to misunderstand and to disregard religions. For their information, Pluralism is not a religion, it's about living without religion. But maybe this is just too complicated for the group to understand. Therefore, I strongly suggest the Islamic bodies to help those in the group who called themselves Muslims, to understand Islam in its true sense. Please don't let these people drift away believing that their ignorance is a 'form' of intelligence.


Posted: 29 Jan 2013 12:30 PM PST

PAS is now playing second fiddle in the opposition's alliance as the party heeded the call to have former deputy president and member of the Syura council Nasharudin Mat Isa expelled. Nasharuddin could not have been expelled at a better time since he was beside Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak during the premier's visit to Gaza and participation at WEF in Davos, so the excuse is there…Nasharuddin has fallen out of line of the party leadership. However, the truth of the matter is everybody's knowledge – the party Syura Council and Ulamak chief Nik Aziz Nik Mat – had to tow the line of Pakatan Rakyat that Nasharuddin is a torn in the flesh as the three parties strategise to take over Putrajaya. Nasharuddin, whose aim is to see the Malays who are Muslims united although possessing different political ideologies, has been marked by PKR de facto chief Anwar Ibrahim since he was deputy president of PAS for being closely associated with Umno and BN. Nasharuddin and former PAS vice-president Dr Hassan Ali had been the obstacles to Anwar's dream of controlling the party from outside, the only Malay-based party he could put his hands on. Nasharuddin had survived expulsion when he lost to Anwar's man Mohamad Sabu or Mat Sabu in 2009 party election when Anwar managed to get most of his men in the party leadership line-up that included Husam Musa. But at that time, Anwar could not do much to rid PAS of the fundamentalists hold as president Abdul Hadi Awang and secretary-general Mustapha Ali are still 'fundamentalists die-hards" and the Syura Council members especially Dr Harun Taib and Dr Harun Din were all fundamentalists, holding on to the party's mission since the 50s. However, this time around, they seem to be bending down to pressure from DAP and Anwar personally as the action they took against Nasharuddin, although expected, is so swift or fast. Despite Nasharuddin 'overstaying his welcome' in the party, the action is read as PAS allowing itself to be 'dictated' by DAP and PKR despite it (PAS) being the strongest party in the opposition pact. The party has been trying hard, that is the veteran fundamentalists, not to allow Anwar to control it but given the latest leadership's decision, the party seems to have mellowed or 'under threat'. In short, despite all the upheavals and issues that are against Islam and Muslims, PAS seems to have no choice but to tow the line of the opposition pact, which inevitably erodes its influence among die-hard fundamentalists members and supporters. Even now, die-hard fundamentalist are demonstrating against DAP and calling for the party to break away from the opposition pact on issues concerning the use of word ALLAH. PAS is now in a 'Catch 22' position – if the party does not tow the line it will be left alone in the coming general election and if it follows every tune the opposition pact dance, it would lose its support. Given the situation, PAS is expected to play the balancing act as it does not want to lose the opportunity to have its president Abdul Hadi as Prime Minster, the post it will have to 'fight it out' with Anwar, if the opposition wins the general election.

Dismissing Nasha: Rakyat Are Happy With Najib's Effort On Palestine, Except For PAS

Posted: 29 Jan 2013 08:30 AM PST

The Prime Minister's visit to Palestine recently has been gaining positive response from Malaysians. It strengthen Malaysia's image as a country which is serious in fighting for peace instead of just being rhetoric in its fight for peace. Even though the visit was seen negatively by the opposition, saying that it is just another one of the government's election publicity, the important thing here is that it is an effort to achieve peace, and it begins now. Looking at all the sufferings faced by Palestinians due to all the attacks from Israel, making claims saying that the Prime Minister's visit is just another publicity proves that the opposition is not even concerned with the matter. This is because, the visit is a daring effort taken by the Prime Minister and wife, where they decided to head over to a 'warzone', taking risk over their own safety and lives, to accept the invitation given by Palestine seeking for help from Malaysia to unite Hamas and Fatah. Only with the union, people of Palestine will be able to fight for their country against the terrorism and invasion done by the Israeli regime. That is why, Dato' Seri Najib's commitment in helping other Muslims, should not be taken as a political issue. It should be seen as an issue surrounding all Muslims around the world. However, the opposition's response is not a surprise. This is because, PAS, an 'islamic' party within Pakatan Rakyat, does not really support the spirit of union. Not that we don't know PAS does not support in uniting ummah, we also know that some PAS supporters would rather die fighting their brothers just as long as they could see their party get to Putrajaya. That is why we are not surprised when PAS do not even share the same pride which Malaysians felt, over the Prime Minister's effort in uniting Muslims in Palestine. PAS' behavior can clearly be seen through their actions when they sacked Ustaz Nasharuddin Mat Isa from their Syura Ulama Council which was announced soon after he got back from Palestine escorting the Prime Minister. This proves that to PAS, everything is politics, that is it. Thus, Ustaz Nasha's actions in escorting the Prime Minister to Gaza is viewed by PAS as treason. Perhaps this is what Hadi Awang meant on his message where he prohibit the separation of religion and politics; asking Muslims to include religion to politics which then becomes their guideline for religion, instead of the other way round. That is why as we see how Muslims in Palestine getting attacked, and while Muslims around pray for their safety, PAS prayed for UMNO to go K.O. There is no doubt that instead of the Prime Minister, PAS is the one who used Palestine as their political game to look for publicity by saying that they helped as well, by just waving their party's flag there. However, not even a single PAS leaders have the guts to do anything to really help Palestine. And when one of its leaders tried to be serious in helping Palestine, Ustaz Nasharuddin Mat Isa for instance, he is seen as a traitor. Whatever it is, we are proud to be Malaysian Muslims where the government is stable enough to help in fighting for peace, especially in Islamic states. We are also proud to have a smart, brave and sincere leader who managed to get Malaysia to this stage even if some Malaysians are threatened with issues against one another thanks to the work of the devil.


Posted: 29 Jan 2013 06:35 AM PST

Coming home to a hero's welcome with no less than 10,000 Malaysians at KLIA, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has succeeded in putting Malaysia in the world's map as a moderate country that loves peace and a country with plentiful opportunities for businesses. Hitting two birds with one stone – the visit to Gaza and the WEF in Davos – Najib has shown to the world that Malaysia is a country that is accommodating and tolerant while same time vibrant in its economic development. Najib's visit to Gaza was to see by himself the situation there where the Palestinians have been under 'inhuman onslaught' of the Israelis and living in fear every day and night. His success in his visit has created uneasiness among the oppositions back home particularly Anwar Ibrahim who is a 'buddy' to Israel and same time trying to curb or prevent investments to Malaysia. Anwar has been painting a 'black Malaysia' to every country in the world, hoping he could 'cruise' he way to Putrajaya, the position he has been dreaming and having nightmares. Najib's visit to Gaza 'to see with his own eyes the state of being of the besieged Palestinians, and had wanted to visit both Gaza and the West Bank but was unable to do so due to the volatile political situations there. "The Israeli gave an indication that we have to recognise the state for a visit to the West Bank, but the price is too high. And Abu Mazen understood this. Our visit was purely humanitarian, nothing more nothing less," he had said. But Anwar was quick to lie that Najib's visit had incurred the wrath of Abu Mazen, another name for the Fatah's leader Mahmoud Abas, an attempt to create anger among thinking Malaysians on Najib's visit. Anwar cannot do like what Najib did because he is a 'buddy' of Israel and a word from him supporting Palestine will incur the wrath of his Israel master, and condemning Malaysia in the eyes of the world has apparently backfired, if viewed at the success of Najib's performance in Davos where the world's business circle had shown much interest in Malaysia. Anwar's 'jealousy and hatred' got worse when American media played up Najib's visit to Gaza and the overwhelming reception Najib received in Davos, contrary to Anwar's expectation as he has all along thought Najib and Malaysia would get the 'cold shoulder treatment from the world community' following his (Anwar) campaign against the Prime Minister and Malaysia. And with no less than 10,000 Malaysians welcomed Najib's return at the airport, Anwar's feeling went down, hopes for brighter days ahead dashed as he saw Najib surrounded and cheered by the crowd. Given the success of Najib's visit, Anwar and the oppositions are further pushed to the corner as the general election draws nearer as Malaysians, thinking Malaysians who are voters are fast abandoning the 'purported idealism' propagated by the oppositions.'

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