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Dialog Dewasa Kritik Berasa


Dialog Dewasa Kritik Berasa


Posted: 07 Jun 2013 07:00 PM PDT

ISU yang dibangkitkan oleh pihak pembangknag kononnya dua wakil Cina dalam kabinet negara tidak tahu berbahasa Cina amat menjengkelkan. Saya mengenali Datuk Mary Yap (gambar atas) dan kita tidak mungkin boleh menafikan bahawa beliau cemerlang di dalam pendidikan di daerah Tawau, di negeri Sabah, di peringkat nasional malah di peringkat antarabangsa.

Sesudah bersara pun beliau telah dilantik sebagai Ahli Lembaga Penasihat Sekolah Kluster Kebangsaan dan beberapa jawatankuasa peringkat tertinggi di Kementerian Pendidikan termasuk bahagian Kurikulum.

Maka, apabila beliau dilantik sebagai Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan, ianya adalah pemilihan yang tepat. 

Sepatutnya mereka yang mempertikaikan perlantikan tersebut harus mempertikaikan rakyat Malaysia yang tidak tahu berbahasa Malayu, tidak tahu bercakap bahasa Malayu dan tidak tahu menulis dalam bahasa Malayu. 

Bahasa Melayu adalah bahasa Kebangsaan, bahasa Melayu adalah bahasa Wajib Lulus UPSR, PMR dan SPM sedangkan bahasa Cina adalah bahasa pilihan. Sesiapa pun digalakkan belajar bahasa Cina di mana anak saya sendiri selain belajar bahasa Arab juga belajar bahasa Cina sebagai subjek pilihan mereka di sekolah.

Jika anda biasa mendengar Datuk Mary Yap berucap, bahasa Melayunya sangat bagus di samping bahasa Inggeris. Sewaktu saya menetap di Tawau dahulu ketika itu Datuk Mary Yap masih sebagai Pengetua di SM Teknik, Tawau, saya sendiri tidak tahu beliau tidak tahu berbahasa Cina.

Semasa saya ke rumah Datuk Mary Yap membincangkan penerbitan buku pengalaman pendidikannya, beliau berbahasa Melayu dengan saya. 

Dalam buku itu, satu perkara yang saya masih ingat ialah setiap pencapaian murid, setiap kejayaan pekerja-pekerja di bawahnya, hendaklah dihargai dan diberi penghargaan (reward). Tetapi sebelum diberi penghargaan aspek-aspek disiplin, kesungguhan, kerja kuat dan ketelitian sangat diberi keutamaan.

Negara kita pernah digemparkan dengan kemenangan seorang wakil rakyat pembangkang yang tidak fasih berbahasa Melayu. Namun, ianya tidak dijadikan isu oleh pihak pembangkang, sudah pasti kerana dia wakil rakyat pembangkang.

Jika anda mendengar ucapan Lim Kit Siang di Parlimen, berbanding dengan ucapan Datuk Mary Yap, anda boleh adili sendiri betapa bagus dan fasihnya bahasa Melayu Datuk Mary Yap. Tidak tersekat-sekat, tidak teragak-agak, intonasi yang sesuai, grooming (bahasa badan) yang betul kerana Datuk Mary Yap mempelajarinya. Beliau juga tidak meninggikan ucapannya semasa memberi idea, apatah lagi menjerit-jerit di Parlimen sebagaimana biasa dilakukan oleh sesetangah ahli parlimen pembangkang.

Saya percaya, kehadiran Datuk Mary Yap di Kementerian Pendidikan akan membawa suatu budaya kerja yang lebih berdisiplin, bertenaga dan menyenangkan warga pendidikan di seluruh negara. Saya yakin perkara ini akan dilakukannya.
Datuk P. Kamalnathan (gambar atas) juga seorang Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan yang sangat bagus, di mana saya sendiri pernah menelefon beliau untuk menyelesaikan masalah seorang guru Kelantan. Saya bersyukur dan gembira, kerana beliau melayan panggilan telefon saya dengan cermat, mendengar dengan baik malah menulis surat sokongan. 

Maka, saya tidak ada keraguan kepada Datuk Mary Yap dan Datuk P.Kamalnathan sebagai Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan.

Dipetik darijentayuabaka.blogspot.com


Posted: 07 Jun 2013 07:03 AM PDT

The flocking of Chinese to Penang dan Malay Peninsula/Tanah Melayu back then was basically economically motivated, as reported by Francis Light in 1794 "a poor labourer will work with double labour to acquire two or three dollars to remit to China". (Logan)

90% of these Chinese immigrants to Penang were men who had no plans of settling but rather to conduct business ranging from silk trading and raw materials. Things were subtle and okay.

They self expensed their way with tongkangs (jongs) which were better manufactured than the ones used by the labourers. Speaking of labourers, in every 10 immigrants, 7 were thought to be labourers. (Wong Yuo)

The abundance of Chinese labourers were either financed using the credit system or cash. Most of them were sent here using a credit system called "sinkheh", which was introduced by the British in 1823. (Logan)


An agent from mainland China would be appointed by the rich Chinese merchants in Penang and most agents were actually triad leaders to lure the labourers. These triad leaders held the crucial task of securing jobs outside of mainland China and thus the labourers were pretty much dependant on them so much so that some triad offered jobs that bound the labourers with contracts and what not.

These agents were paid a hefty (at that time)amount of 1 dollar as commission for every labourer sent. However, these mediators/middlemen would basically extort all the money paid to the labourers which then made the lives of these unlucky Chinese labourers seeking a better living abroad a living hell.

The conditions faced by the Chinese labourers to Penang and Tanah Melayu were very untimely and downright pitiful. The life threatening and dreadful journey to Penang from the mainland China was only the beginning of a life long hardship and pain. According to Victor Purcell, the journey to Penang was often filled with unpredictable weather and harsh winds which forced the Chinese labourers to find/seek safety by hiding in between decaying walls of the tongkang/jong. (Purcell)

According to Hugh Clifford, an British Officer, the unsanitary and filthy condition of the tongkang caused the spread of Cholera amongst immigrants. (Purcell)

The tongkang/jong were decaying and rusty and took them roughly a month to reach Penang. Most Chinese immigrants came flocking sometime in June and October during the monsoon period. In the 19th century, there were around 2000 to 3000 sinkheh who were brought to Penang yearly in an activity called as "selling of piglets" or "pig business" (the labourers were called piglets in reference to their ponytails which resembled the animal).

Many labourers found wealth in Tanah Melayu and decided to settle for good. From harsh living 
conditions and mistreatment by their own people,they were accepted by the Malays as part of the people in the country. These Chinese ancestors were given the right to even vote and held positions in the government. Fast forward to the 21st century, we can definitely notice a change in the way the descendants of these immigrants think and act. Fueled by hatred and racism and most importantly forgetting about the kindness of the Malays and Bumis to their ancestors, these descendants have become so ungrateful that they have the audacity to insult the constitution and this country by staging street protests and what not.

The discovery of the Red Bean Army (Ang Pow Teng in Chinese) can be compared to the triad mentioned above with the change of methods. These people have definitely misused the technology and the internet to spread hatred and anger amongst their kind and some have even gone overboard by disrespecting our (read Malay) constitutional monarchy system, our religion and our race.

Is this the price that the Malays have to pay for welcoming the Chinese immigrants and saving them from destitution and extreme poverty? In the form of ungrateful descendants??

(Copy and translate from http://cinakawkaw.blogspot.com/2013/06/mereka-datang-ke-tanah-melayu-naik.html )

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