From: Chong Nee Hwa [] Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 11:10 AM To:; YK Sow; Tahir; Amran; Idris MY;; Halm Peter (IFKM F); Gary Tan; Nazri Cc: Yeoh Mooi Kuan Subject: Verbal Notice from SADA to cut Water Supply
Dear all,
We just received verbal notice from Hj Rosli that SADA had received instruction from headquarter to terminate our water supply. He said written notice will be served shortly. I was told that Infineon had received the same notice. I called Tn Hj Sobri (KTPC) just now, he will meet me in Fuji at 12PM later to discuss further.
I am trying to contact YB Dato Amiruddin, Idris, can you help to inform him?
Tahir and Karen,
Did you all receive the notice too?
How should we proceed to respond to this from KITA's perspective? Comment?
This is really disappointing!
Regards NH Chon
From: Halm Peter (IFKM F) Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 1:00 PM To: Lim Seng Meng (IFKM OP FE FM K) Subject: FW: Verbal Notice from SADA to cut Water Supply
Hi Seng Meng,
Have you received this threat?
Rgds Peter
---------------------------------------------------------------- From: Sent: Tue 11/9/2010 1:43 PM To: Cc:; Subject: RE: Verbal Notice from SADA to cut Water Supply Attachments: Document.pdf(333KB) Hi Peter,
So far IFKM did not received any verbal notice from SADA to cut our water supply yet. What was mentioned below is the written red notice saying that we have an outstanding balance of which was only RM260.78 with last record of payment amounting to RM196. We are requested to make the outstanding payment within 14 days after which water supply will be cut and connection charges of RM25 will apply for reconnection. Attached is the letter in Malay language.
Separately I was informed by MK Yeoh of Fuji this morning over phone that earlier, Fuji has attempted to pay the previous month bill (Oct 10) based on old tariff of RM1/m3 but SADA refused to take the payment as it was not tally with the figures on the bill (after new tariff) and (this is what IFKM attemp to do, the recalculated bill for last month has been sent by Noor to Finance yesterday).
Let me know what time to call you if you need further clarification, as this morning myself & Liang has called SADA Alor Setar Office trying to understand the increment percentage as latest bill (Nov 10) received yesterday indicating 17% increment, different from our understanding of 15% (based on Oct 10) bill. GenerallySADA is not consistent, not to mention our call hasbeen passed to 4 stages of officers before the last one instructed us to send e-mail explaining concerns to another lady Officer.
Rgds, Hashimi.
From: Sent: Tue 11/9/2010 5:58 PM To: Nazmi Abdullah Cc: Muhamad Sobri Osman Subject: RE: Isu kenaikan tarif air di KHTP. Attachments: RE: Verbal Notice from SADA to cut Water Supply(348KB)
Salam Encik Nazmi & Tuan Hj Sobri,
Di kepilkan adalah email saya kepada Encik Peter Halm, CFO IFKM berkenaan perkara ini. Secara khususnya IFKM mempunyai 3 meter air dan surat peringatan yang diterima hanyalah untuk 1 sahaja meter air dengan jumlah berbaki yang sedikit, hanya dua ratus ringgit lebih. Ini sebenarnya merujuk kepada baki tertunggak yang minor dan tidak merujuk kepada notis pemotongan yang sebenar untuk merangkumi jumlah tertunggak dari penggunaan air utama (meter utama). Berlainan dari Fuji, setakat ini IFKM belum lagi menerima apa2 panggilan telefon atau pengumuman dari pihak SADA berhubung notis pemotongan bekalan air disebabkan kelewatan pembayaran bil bulan Oct 10 yang lalu. Pihak pengurusan bercadang untuk membayar bil Okt 10 berdasarkan kadar lama RM1/m3.
Walaubagaimanapun saya berharap Encik Azmi & Tuan Hj, akan menangani (handle) mail yang saya kepilkan ini sebagai SULIT (highly confidential) dan tidak mem"forwardkan" kepada orang lain kerana ini adalah diskussi tertutup diantara ahli2 tertinggi KITA.
Best Regards, Hashimi.
From: Nazmi Abdullah Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 5:38 PM To: Mohd Kassim Hashimi (IFKM OP FE FM K REM) Cc: Muhamad Sobri Osman Subject: Isu kenaikan tarif air di KHTP.
Assalamualaikum En Hashimi,
Lanjutan daripada perjumpaan dgn FUJI Electric berkenaan dgn kenaikan tarif air pada hari ini, pihak kami dimaklumkan bahawa pihak Infineon telah menerima notis pemotongan bekalan air drp pihak SADA (pihak FUJI juga menerima panggilan drp SADA berkenaan pemotongan air ini, dimana surat pemotongan akan dihantar didlm masa terdekat kpd FUJI).
Pihak KTPC ingin memohon kerjasama tuan jikalau notis tersebut boleh diperpanjangkan kpd KTPC agar pihak kami dapat membuat pertemuan dgn pihak SADA lanjutan daripada kenaikan tarif air di KHTP.
Muhammad Nazmi Abdullah KULIM TECHNOLOGY PARK CORPORATION SDN BHD 3rd Floor, KHTP Business Centre Kulim Hi-Tech Park 09000 Kulim, Kedah Malaysia Telephone / Fax : +604-403xxxx / 403xxxx Email :
From: Ch'ng Mei Yueh [] Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 10:00 AM
To: Muhamad Sobri Osman Cc: Yeoh Mooi Kuan
Subject: Notice to Terminate water supply from SADA
Hi Tuan Hj. Sobri,
Attached is the noticed that we received from SADA.
**************************************************** Ch'ng Mei Yueh Facility Tel.+604 409 xxxx Fax.+604 403 xxxx Mobile:+6012 xxxxxxx e-mail:
(Attach surat SADA)