Channel: Barisan Nasional
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Teresa Kok Minta 100 Ekar Tanah Di Bernam Jaya?

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 09:00 PM PST

10 NGO Desak Dalang Lahad Datu Disiasat #PrayForSabah

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 08:00 PM PST

VAT69 : Video Khas Untuk Tatapan Rakyat Malaysia #PrayForSabah

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 07:00 PM PST

Video Pembakar Semangat Untuk Anak Malaysia Pertahankan Negara #PrayForSabah

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 06:00 PM PST

Video 10 Fakta Pembangkang Hina Rakyat Yang Menerima BR1M

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 05:00 PM PST

Video Gelagat Anak Anak Melayu Yang Dilahirkan Di Amerika Syarikat

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 04:00 PM PST

Masalah Air : Bukti Khalid Ibrahim Menipu Rakyat Selangor

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 03:00 PM PST

Video Ketangkasan Perwira Negara #PrayForSabah

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 09:30 AM PST

Tun Mahathir Kata Nur Misuari Cari Publisiti Murahan

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 08:30 AM PST

50 Orang Suspek Ditahan Untuk Bantu Jejaki Pengganas #PrayForSabah

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 07:30 AM PST

Video Reaksi Rakyat Sabah Di Kampung Tanduo #PrayForSabah

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 07:00 AM PST

Operasi diteruskan untuk menjejaki musuh dalam Ops Daulat.

Video Sidang Media Saiful Bukhari Menjawab Tuduhan Bapanya

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 06:22 AM PST

Video Misi Ops Daulat : Mencari Musuh Yang Menyorok

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 05:00 AM PST

Bukti Kekejaman Pengganas Sulu #PrayForSabah

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 04:00 AM PST

Gambar ini menceritakan segalanya. Al fatihah untuk mangsa. Moga Allah SWT memberi pembalasan yang setimpal pada pelakunya. Kita doakan keselamatan anggota polis dan tentera kita yang bertugas untuk menjaga ketenteraman awam.

LAHAD DATU 7 Mac - Ditawan kemudian dipenggal kepala merupakan antara kekejaman yang tiada tara dilakukan pengganas Sulu ke atas anggota keselamatan negara.

Bukan itu sahaja, seorang anggota pasukan keselamatan yang turut ditawan dirodok perutnya menggunakan parang Sulu atau barong sebelum dadanya dibelah dan dikeluarkan segala organ dalaman.

Badan wira negara juga ditetak sehingga bercerai beberapa anggota badan sebelum dicampak ke laut manakala ada antara mereka maut kerana kedua biji mata mereka dicungkil menggunakan senjata tajam.

Seorang lagi anggota pasukan keselamatan walaupun terselamat menjadi cacat apabila kedua-dua belah tangannya kudung akibat ditetak dan kepalanya dikelar menggunakan kerambit.

Kesemua wira negara itu diperlakukan sedemikian selepas diserang hendap pada 2 Mac lalu di Kampung Sri Jaya, Simunul, Semporna.

Perbuatan yang sangat sadis dan tidak berperikemanusiaan itu menimbulkan tanda tanya apakah mereka ini di bawah pengaruh dadah atau ilmu hitam. 

Malah, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak juga menyatakan beliau amat dukacita apabila niat suci Malaysia untuk tidak membenarkan setitik darah tumpah di bumi Sabah dibalas dengan kekejaman oleh pengganas Sulu terhadap anggota keselamatan.

Dalam pada itu, Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) menerusi Facebook hari ini mengesahkan, selepas operasi menyelamat dibuat anggota komando VAT 69, mayat anggota polis ditemui dalam keadaan diperlaku dengan penuh kejam.

"Apabila tiba di Kampung Simunul, pasukan polis diserang hendap oleh penceroboh. Enam anggota polis terkorban manakala dua yang lain cedera. Enam penceroboh bersenjata telah dibunuh pihak polis.

"Polis menghantar pasukan penyelamat untuk membawa keluar mayat wira-wira kita. Mayat anggota polis ditemui dalam keadaan diperlaku dengan kejam oleh penceroboh bersenjata tersebut," katanya.

Dalam serangan itu, enam anggota polis maut iaitu Supritendan Ibrahim Lebar, Asisten Supritendan Micheal Padel, Sarjan Baharin Hamit, Sarjan Aziz Sarikun, Koperal Salam Togiron dan Lans Koperal Mohd. Azrul Tukiran.

Semua mereka yang maut itu kemudian diberi kenaikan pangkat berkuat kuasa serta-merta sebagai menghargai jasa dan pengorbanan wira yang diumumkan sendiri oleh Timbalan Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar.

Terdahulu, pada 1 Mac lalu, pengganas Sulu juga bertindak keji apabila berpura-pura menyerah diri dengan mengangkat bendera putih sebelum menembak mati dua anggota komando VAT 69 dan mencederakan tiga yang lain di Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu.

Allahyarham Asisten Supritendan Zulkifli Mamat, 29 dan Sarjan Sabarudin Daud, 46, yang menyangka pengganas Sulu ikhlas kemudian bangkit daripada posisi meniarap menyebabkan kedua-dua mangsa maut ditembak di kepala. - Utusan

Pendedahan Media Kanada Ini Pasti Menakutkan Anwar Ibrahim #PrayForSabah

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 02:37 AM PST

Malaysia Invaded: Hundreds of Terrorists Land on Beaches, Western Media Mute

The West's woeful, irresponsible coverage of a burgeoning region-wide destabilization, fits in nicely with its coverage of US-Saudi funded/armed terrorism around the world, including in Syria where US-funded terrorists of the so-called "Free Syrian Army" have just taken dozens of UN peacekeepers hostage in the Golan Heights – just days after the US announced it would fund the terrorists further, to the tune of $60 million and the West's Arab partners have just granted the terrorist faction Syria's seat at the "Arab League."
Terrorists are US-Saudi Funded Extremists – Part of Engineered Destabilization.
While the West pleads ignorance over the identity of the militants held up in the jungles of Malaysia's Sabah state, the militant organizations themselves have declared thousands more in reinforcements are being arranged in the Philippines to join and exasperate the conflict. The Free Malaysia Today newspaper reported in its article, "10,000 Tausugs to sail to Sabah," that :
Thousands of Tausug from Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi have sailed to Sabah to reinforce members of the so-called royal army of the sultanate of Sulu who are fighting it out with Malaysian security forces, a Moro National Liberation Front official said Tuesday.
The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) of course, is one of several of Al Qaeda's franchises in Southeast Asia, and spun off the notorious terrorist organization, Abu Sayyaf, a US State Department-listed foreign terrorist organization with direct ties to Al Qaeda.
The Philippines' terrorist organizations, located amongst the country's southern islands have long held ties to Al Qaeda and receive funding and support from Saudi Arabia. AFP reported in their 2010 article, "WikiLeaks: US suspected Saudi ambassador to the Philippines of terror link," that:
The United States suspected a Saudi Arabian ambassador to the Philippines of potential involvement in funding terrorists, according to US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks this week.
The report would also state:
Francis Townsend cited Waly's intervention to secure the release of two members of an Islamic charity detained in the Philippines, the cable showed.
The group was suspected of funnelling funds to Al-Qaeda-linked groups based in the southern Philippines.
It continued stating:
The February 24, 2007, US embassy cable named the charity suspected of terror financing in the Philippines as IIRO, which stands for the International Islamic Relief Organisation.

Intelligence agencies have said IIRO was set up by Muhammad Jamal Khalifa, a brother-in-law of Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.
The report concluded by stating:
Overall, the WikiLeaks cables singled out Saudi Arabia as the key source of funding for radical Islamist groups including Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hamas.
Saudi Arabia is of course is the chief financier of Al Qaeda, and is currently leading efforts to fund, arm, and fill the ranks of Al Qaeda's franchises from Mali and Libya, to Syria and Iraq. A multitude of reports from across the West have identified Saudi Arabia as the lynch pin in Al Qaeda's global terror campaign, including the US Army West Point Combating Terrorism Center.
Its reports "Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters in Iraq" and "Bombers, Bank Accounts and Bleedout: al-Qa'ida's Road In and Out of Iraq," identify a vast terrorist network maintained by the Saudis that recruits, arms, and funds terrorists from across the Muslim World, and can funnel a mercenary army into any desired nation. At the time, the desired nation was Iraq. In 2011, it was Libya. Today it is Syria. The same network that US soldiers fought in Iraq is verifiably in use today, in support of US regime-change operations in Syria.
And while it is acknowledged across even the Western mainstream media that Saudi Arabia is a notorious state-sponsor of terrorism, including the terrorists allegedly behind the September 11, 2001 attacks that left 3,000 Americans dead, the US has had a decades-long, deep economic and military relationship with the despotic Arabian autocracy.
The US maintains permanent military bases inside Saudi Arabia, funds the Saudi military, and has recently concluded the largest arms deal in US history with the Saudis. Additionally, Saudi Arabia's brutally repressive internal security apparatus is a creation of US advisers and operators.
The Saudi royal family and the elite amongst the US corporate-financier Fortune 500, have maintained deep financial and political ties as well. Saudi Arabian corporate-financier interests (run by the royal family) are tied directly to Wall Street and London via conglomerations like the US-Saudi Arabian Business Council and representation upon the JP Morgan International Council (Khalid Al-Falih of Saudi Aramco, amongst the highest valued companies on Earth).
This also includes the Bin Laden family, whose multi-billion dollar Saudi Bin ladin Group is an active member of the US-Saudi Arabian Business Council and plays a central role in deciding bilateral policy for the benefit of collective US-Saudi corporate-financier and corresponding geopolitical interests. At one point, the Bin Ladens and the Bush family sat around the same table, as both families were involved in the equity firm, Carlyle. In fact, Bush and Bin Laden family members were clicking champagne glasses together in Washington on 9/11, an event that would make both families immensely rich in the coming decade.
It is clear, most acutely in Libya and Syria, that the use of Saudi Arabia's global Al Qaeda mercenary army serves both Saudi Arabia's interests as well as Western geopolitical ambitions, including to exact regime change around the world. And it just so happens that the West and Saudi Arabia both seek regime change in currently Russo-Iranian-Chinese friendly Malaysia.

West Attempts to Install Client Regime in Malaysia
The West has been propping up Malaysian opposition candidate Anwar Ibrahim for years.
Anwar Ibrahim, head of Malaysia's opposition coalition, which includes the Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), has spent a lifetime in the service of Western interests. Anwar Ibrahim was Chairman of the Development Committee of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1998, held lecturing positions at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, was a consultant to the World Bank, and a panelist at the Neo-Con lined National Endowment for Democracy's "Democracy Award" and a panelist at a NED donation ceremony - the very same US organization whose subsidiaries are funding and supporting Bersih, a faux-pro-democracy Western-funded street movement that in fact was created by, and in the service of Anwar Ibrahim's political ambitions.
Bersih's street activism fits into a global pattern of Western-backed "color revolutions," where meddling in sovereign nation's political processes to install Western-client regimes is disguised as "democracy promotion."
Anwar Ibrahim's affiliations with Malaysian "Islamists," the already active political subversion his US State Department-funded Bersih movement is sowing in Malaysia's streets, and his Western backers' habitual support for terrorism internationally as a geopolitical tool, raises the possibility that his opposition movement is complicit in the conveniently timed militant destabilization Malaysia now faces, only months before 2013′s general elections.
This may be why the Western media refuses to properly cover an otherwise very noteworthy conflict. The fact that these militants are emanating from long-time US ally, the Philippines, and the Philippines' current role in assisting the US "pivot" towards Asia, and more specifically facilitating a proxy confrontation with China, illustrates the greater regional implications at play. The US intends to install client regimes in Myanmar led by Aung San Suu KyiThailand led by Thaksin Shinawatra's despotic political dynasty, and in Malaysia led by Anwar Ibrahim. Together, this front will then be turned against Chinese interests as part of a long-planned desire to encircle and contain China.
It will be done so under ASEAN and at the cost of Asia's stability and prosperity.
The future of Asia hangs in the balance, and therefore conflicts like Malaysia's battle against armed extremists in Sabah may not be covered by the Western press, but it must be covered by the alternative press. The unhinged insanity that is now spilling blood on Malaysia's shores, also represented by the West's proxy Anwar Ibrahim and his attempts to provoke street protests against the ruling government, illustrates just how dangerous the current Anglo-American international order is, and how far its reach extends.
We must  identify the corporate-financier interests driving this agenda, – interests we most likely patronize on a daily basis, and both boycott and permanently replace them to erode the unwarranted influence they have used, and will continue to use against people the world over. [sumber]

Reaksi Saiful Bukhari Terhadap Tuduhan Bapanya Dalam Kes Liwat

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 01:30 AM PST

Sidang Media Terkini Ops Daulat : Pakaian Musuh Dijumpai #PrayForSabah

Posted: 08 Mar 2013 01:06 AM PST

Pakaian musuh dijumpai dalam operasi terbaru.

Senjata musuh dirampas.

Gambar Dato Seri @NajibRazak Di Lahad Datu #PrayForSabah

Posted: 07 Mar 2013 10:30 PM PST

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