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The Unspinners


The Unspinners

Answering the LIES towards MyEG

Posted: 12 Jan 2015 08:30 PM PST

Teresa Kok and Johari Bedul made several misleading and untrue allegations against MyEG. 

1. THE LIES: MyEG will not disburse the money paid meant for Ketua Imigresen

THE TRUTH:  MyEG collected money on behalf of Government for the past 14 years for roadtax, driver's license, police summons and many other services. 

They are supposed to remit to the Accountant General on the very same day. Government impose a bond deposit to ensure MyEG comply. They can't even take advantage of the float for interest income.

Over the years, some RM20 billion have been collected and remitted efficiently. So why only concern now? To divert the pressure on Ngeh and Nga?

2. THE LIES: MyEG charges are unnecessary, overcharging and forcing public to subscribe to their insurance services.

THE TRUTH: MyEG does not charge any additional amount if insurance is not purchased through us. 

Actually, they will end up doing more work since it require verifying the insurance details with the insurance principals. There had been many cases of fake insurance documents. 

The extra RM20 fee is only an OPTIONAL fee. It is only for user who want MyEG services to make appointments for FOMEMA. 

3. THE LIES: Why must MyEG be given monopoly for online Govt payment on foreign workers permit?

THE TRUTH: MyEG's task is to create and compile a centralised database of legal and iIlegal foreign workers; employers of legal workers,  employer not knowing they are being used to register illegal foreign workers and employers of illegal foreign workers.

This entail MyEG to visit the offices of all the employers to verify the existence of their office and capture biometric identification of their authorised representative.  

For the database to be clean and comprehensive, one party has to be responsible for it. However, the database belongs to the Immigration Dept and not MyEG.

Can that get done efficiently when there is many hands in the soup? To do that it needs a dedicated outfit to do it.

Strategi psywar PR yang telah direncana

Posted: 12 Jan 2015 04:11 PM PST

Pakatan Rakyat terjerat dengan rasa bersalah akibat bencana banjir di Kelantan yang berpunca dari kesalahan mereka hingga ralyat memderita.

Maka puak2 PASma telah berusaha untuk mengkecuhkan dengan cara membuat fitnah dan mereka cerita fiksyen yang melampau2kan keadaa.

Kini satu2 dari mereka kena serah diri pada polis untuk disiasat.

Lalu mereka cerita2 bohong baru seperti butIran tipu seperti tentang BR1M untuk buruk2an 1m4u:

Nasib mereka agak baik apabila perhatian sosial media beralih dari banjir ke isu penyanyi k pop mencabul seorang gadis bertudung dan bahasa biadap Eric Paulsen.

Jgn heran ianya diatur oleh penganjur konsert k pop dan Eric mmg sengaja membiadapkan isu sementang kumpulan E25 dan pembunuhan Charlie Hibode di Paris.

Mengambil peluang dari ini, DAP.dan PKR cuba memanaskan isu2 kenaikkan harga, memulakan isu baru MyEG dan lain2.

Esuk ada PC PKR untuk usaha mengalih terus dari isu banjir ke senarai isu baru berikut:

1) 1MDB - oleh Rafizi Ramli untuk menyambut isu dari Tony Pua

2) Kempen Turun Harga Barang oleh Rafizi Ramli yang sudah termalu dari tuntutan salah yang sebenarnya mahu naikkan minyak yang kononnya bantu pengusaha stesyen minyak.

3) Laporan polis terhadap Zahid Hamidi & Shafee Abdullah oleh Sdr Fahmi Fadzil. Hal surat menyurat antara kerajaan untuk kongsi maklumat  benda biasa tapi kenapa FBI tak dipersalahkan kerana mengeluarkan surat ke mahkamah. Sungguh tak profesyenal oleh pihak FbI.

4) Isu MyEG - YB Dato' Johari Abdul & YB Lee Chean Chung untuk menyambut kenyataan Theresa Kok. Isu ni bodoh tapi orang ramai ambil lojik mudah mereka.

Satu lagi yang sedang berlaku adalah PR nak kuatkan undi untuk mereka dari Sarawak dari Sabah.

Maka isu Eric Paulsen adalah usaha taktikal PR cara Illuminati fremason Jesuit Frank untuk mainkan isu khutbah jumaat.

Sebelum ini, mereka mainkan isu kalimah Allah dalam bible dan meneruskan provokasi agama ketahap yang amat biadap.sekali.

Orang ramai dan penulis blog dan sosial media usah tertipu.

Isu MyEG untuk alihkan tekanan terhadap Ngeh Nga

Posted: 12 Jan 2015 04:33 AM PST

Membaca laporan FMT SINI, Theresa Kok telah menmbulkan persoalan mengenai MyEG dalam kenyataan hari ini. Lama dia tak buat statement, dan tidak kelihatan terutama ketika bencana banjir. Mesti ada apa-apa?

Teresa menyerang menimbulkan persoalan terahdap MyEG yang merupakan kontraktor untuk kerajaan dalam pembayaran online dan sistem pendaftraan untuk kerajaan berhubung pembayaran permit pekerja asing.

Jika dulu ianya dibayar guna cek kepada Ketua Pengarah Imigresen, kali ini ia dibayar ke MyEG yang mana akan diarahkan wang ke pihak Imigresen. Kononnya MyEG akan lambat bayarkan wang itu.

Hmmm ... itu Air Asia yang tak bayar airport tax yang dikutip dari penumpang tapi tak mahu bayar pada kerajaan.

Apa punya baghal susah nak faham konsep one stop payment and service. Dan apa jadi isunya samada bayar kepada kerajaan atau MyEG yang kumpulkan? Ini semua adalah prosedur yang memudahkan perjalanan kerajaan. Yang penting iia memudahkan pelanggan perkhidmatan kerajaan kan?

Dah 14 tahun MyEG beroperasi, Teresa Kok baru nak timbulkan isu monopoli.

Mungkin sebab selama 14 tahun, serangan dan tekanan politik terhadap Ngeh Koo Ham dan Nga Kor Meng tak sehebat sekarang dan susah sekali mahu pertikaikan kedua-dua mereka terlibat menyebabbkan pembalakan haram yang telah meniinggalkan bencana pada rakyat Kelantan.

Eric Paulsen tak ditegur, Saifuddin putarbelit pula khutbah

Posted: 12 Jan 2015 01:50 AM PST

Eric Paulsen tidak ditegur oleh Saifuddin Abdullah atau lebih layak panggil puding sebab tidak juga dia bela institusi ugama seperti JAKIM.

Nama saja pedang Allah tapi serang institusi Islam dengan menuduh khutbah menyebar kebencian.

Padahal ianya hanya peringatan akan wujudnya mereka seperti Eric Paulsen yang sesuka hati menyerang Islam.

Baca kenyataan yang diterima dari Whats App yang di forward:

Setiap kata2 di Twitter Eric yang hina Islam

12 JANUARY 2015

WE, the Centre for Human Rights Research and Advocacy (CENTHRA) and Concerned Lawyers for Justice (CLJ) condemn in the strongest terms the highly provocative, outrageous as well as downright false tweet by Eric Paulsen of Lawyers For Liberty (LFL) suggesting that the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (JAKIM) is responsible for fermenting extremism in its preparation of weekly Friday sermons for and on behalf of mosques throughout Malaysia.

We note that this tweet is but the latest in a series of tweets by him and LFL that result in further undermining of the position of Islam enshrined within the Federal Constitution as well as having a negative effect of incitement against the Malay Muslim majority population in Malaysia and a chilling consequence for race and religious relations between different classes of the population of our nation. We wholly reject his subsequent hypocritical claim that he was merely criticizing JAKIM as a government agency, especially in light of some of his equally outrageous previous tweets on matters of Islam.

Among Eric Paulsen's other inflammatory tweets have been that in sermons given during Hari Raya Aidil Adha allegedly urging Muslims to be wary of rational thinking, that JAKIM is a mere unelected body of so-called conservatives with no authority to rule over Islamic affairs; that muftis and ulamas are deranged and obsessed with sexual relations; that PPIM makes deliberate unwelcome visits to supermarkets to ascertain that goods sold do not insult Islam; and calling certain individuals Talibanic.

We further note that JAKIM does not prepare Friday sermons for mosques throughout Malaysia, as ignorantly and falsely claimed by Eric Paulsen. It is the respective Religious Councils of each respective States that prepare the sermons, while JAKIM is in charge only for four mosques: namely the Masjid Negara, Masjid Putra, Masjid Sultan Mizan and Masjid Wilayah. We also note that the weekly Friday sermons prepared by JAKIM are anything but extreme. Sermons given in recent times include the need to build caring societies, to jointly prevent corruption, to have integrity as well as to maintain public peace and harmony. We therefore call upon Eric Paulsen to provide evidence of sermons that encourage extremism as alleged by him and verily believe that there are none in this regard.

Incendiary statements made by unscrupulous individuals and organisations such as Eric Paulsen and LFL demonstrate an even greater need for the Sedition Act 1948 to not only be retained but zealously enforced, especially against the likes of such individuals and organisations. A multi racial and multi religious society such as Malaysia cannot and must not be allowed to become a playground for those organizations and movements funded by dubious foreign entities to deliberately create destructive social atmospheres in the name of promoting abstract, wholly idealistic and non-realist ideals that are alien to this land as well as its inhabitants. We further believe that should these elements not be kept in check by the authorities, who are charged with keeping public peace and security, and be allowed to fester, then the consequences for our nation would be unimaginable.

We call upon the authorities to investigate Eric Paulsen under the Sedition Act 1948 and other laws for making clearly seditious tweets that undermine the position of Islam enshrined under the Federal Constitution, and thereby creating racial discord. We further call upon the authorities to outlaw organizations that have the tendency to be an agent to further sinister agendas of foreign entities. We call upon the Bar Council to take appropriate disciplinary action against Eric Paulsen under the relevant provisions of the Legal Profession Act 1976 as well as the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) Rules 1978 for making seditious tweets in his capacity as a legal practitioner, which quite clearly tarnishes the good name of the legal profession. We further call upon the Bar Council to immediately revoke its resolution of 19 September 2014 calling for the repeal of the Sedition Act 1948, disavow its so-called Walk for Peace and Freedom and memorandum to the authorities on 16 October 2014 further calling for the abolition of that Act, and to wholeheartedly as well as unreservedly support the Act and other laws designed to protect and maintain the Federal Constitution as well as racial and religious relations within Malaysia.

Azril Mohd Amin
Executive Director, Centre for Human Rights Research and Advocacy (CENTHRA)

Faidhur Rahman Abdul Hadi
Co-Founder, Concerned Lawyers for Justice (CLJ)

Aidil Khalid
Senior Fellow of CENTHRA and activist member of CLJ

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