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- Kalimah Allah Drama: Clash Between Syura Council-Karpal Singh Is Sickening
- PR Took 18 Months To Prepare Manifesto Tipu Rakyat 2013
- GE13: Ulama UMNO VS PAS Celebrities
NAJIB DOES A CHECK MATE ON OPPOSITION BY SIGNING TRANSPARENCY PLEDGE Posted: 21 Feb 2013 01:11 AM PST A DARING ACT BY A BRAVE LEADER…that is how anyone can describe Najib Tun Razak when he signed the Transparency International Election Integrity Pledge on Wednesday. Will the act put a check mate or just a check as in a chess game against the opposition pact and anti-establishment NGO particularly S. Ambiga and her Bersih group? Whether or not is another matter but Najib's act, as chairman of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition and Prime Minister, is an act of not just brave and daring but in truth a sincere and honest act to see the coming general election is free of corruption and vote buying and whatever allegations thrown at him and BN. Besides that, Najib even will get all BN representatives in the coming general election to sign the pledge – meaning he wants all his people to be as clean as he is and as credible as him. Transparency International is an international anti-corruption NGO that promotes transparency and accountability for elections around the world which is trusted. And Najib, by getting BN representatives to sign the pledge, is the first Prime Minister and country in the world to take such move that shows a crystal clear election. Having done that, Najib kills all the doubts and allegations that he and BN practice 'political corruptions' which resulted in the opposition won four states, a surprise result…he he he. The pledge commit BN, among other things, not to be involved in votes rigging, vote buying, moving voters to sensitive or 'red areas' and passing dead persons as voters. Now that Najib is open and brave enough to sign the pledge, let us see whether the leaders of opposition pact would do the same, after all they are the ones plus of course the NGOs supporting them who cry foul. Najib and the BN have been sincere and honest all along as reflected in their actions and statements but winning the hearts and minds of the people – we are talking about human beings here – is not an easy task. Normal humans believe in nice beautiful stories and leaders of the opposition pact particularly Anwar Ibrahim and Nik Aziz Nik Mat are very, very good in doing this, telling make believe stories that catch the highest sound frequency of humans. They have been at this game for so long that it now become a tedious job for Najib and other BN leaders to undo and put back on track the minds and hearts of those who had been deviated mentally. Whether it is by a stroke of luck, those mesmerized and 'hypnotised' have suddenly awaken when the opposition pact themselves failed to deliver their promises and the make-believed stories disintegrate as the truth emerges one-by-one. Thinking Malaysians are now abandoning the opposition pact which they supported in 2008 general election and they now see the sincerity in Najib's moves and future vision. The trend has got the opposition pact worried and leaders of the pact, who are at logger-heads with each other on practically every issues are now in a hot spot, like worms in a hot hole, grasping at anything to get out. |
Kalimah Allah Drama: Clash Between Syura Council-Karpal Singh Is Sickening Posted: 21 Feb 2013 12:06 AM PST Pakatan Rakyat still could not find any solution towards Kalimah Allah issue. Even the media kept on publishing statements between Syura Council members and Karpal Singh which kept on hitting one another. Syura Council considered that the issue is finished after they made the decision where Kalimah Allah cannot be used in any Christian Bible and the decision only subjected to PAS members. However, Karpal denied the claim saying that it is over, as long as Syura Council do not clearly state the approval to allow kalimah Allah to be used in Bibles as well as accepting the fact that Syura Council do not have any rights to voice out their opinion in Pakatan Rakyat, only in PAS. Looking at this matter in detail, we will find that this issue has been solved a long time ago for Pakatan Rakyat. This is because Syura Council themselves stressed that the decision is only subjected to PAS members, even though there is no way any PAS members are involved in translating and printing Malay-language Bibles. At the same time, Syura Council did not exactly stop, and they do not have any rights to stop any DAP members or anyone else to ban anything, like what was stated by Karpal Singh. This means, both sides have came to an agreement that kalimah Allah can be used in Bibles, except for PAS members. Thus, the argument between Syura Council and Karpal Singh in the media is just another drama, scripted and filled with subliminal messages. Just like the issue on hudud, this kalimah Allah issue is yet another one of PR's endless telenovela, even though it is over where PAS had to obey to DAP. Not that we do not know DAP have to show non-Malays how strong they are, that they are able to control PAS from bringing any Islamic elements into PR. This kalimah Allah issue does not just symbolize PAS' obedience towards DAP, it is also a strategy which gives advantege towards Christians to convert Muslims. In the other hand, PAS need to show Muslims that the party is still strong in defending Islam from being attacked by enemies considering that their 'Islamic' image is ruined thanks to their defeats: UMNO in Hadi's Message issue, DAP in Islamic State issue, hudud, gambling, alcohol, massage houses, nightclubs and saloons. Their defeat with PKR include Pluralism, liberalism and supporting Israel. This kalimah Allah drama is PAS's final chance to show that they party is still as Islam as they used to be. So, the drama needs to go on at least until the election begin. The fact is, if it is true that this is not a drama, PAS would have left PR. Just imagine, PAS prefers to let go Nasharuddin Mat Isa than letting go a cooperation which could risk Muslims' faith and the sanctity of kalimah Allah. |
PR Took 18 Months To Prepare Manifesto Tipu Rakyat 2013 Posted: 20 Feb 2013 08:00 AM PST "Manifesto is not a promise" is the ultimate statement made by Selangor Chief Minister, which still haunts rakyat until today. In other words, Khalid stressed that PR;s Manifesto is just a lie. With that, yesterday, PR announced that the party will launch its latest Manifesto for GE13. The manifesto known as 'People's Manifesto', goes with the slogan "Pakatan Harapan Rakyat", contains for main core, People in Brotherhood, People's Economy, People's Well-being and People's Government. Even though PR's manifesto do not mean anything because it is not a promise for people, preparing the manifesto, as stated by its Strategic Director, Rafizi Ramli, took 18 months worth of deliberations and discussions, before it was presented twice to the coalition's presidential council. He also said that this 'Manifesto Tipu Rakyat' brings together all policies based on Pakatan Rakyat's common policy, the Orange Book and specific programmes which have been earlier announced through PR's 2012 and 2013 budgets. Loooking back at 2008′s manifesto Tipu Rakyat, it also contain a few main core which covers administration, rakyat's social and well-being, rakyat's health and rakyat's security. In its detail, there was a pledge to ensure ADUN and Exco would remain transparent, establishing a special body to investigate misappropriation of land and its resources on states, and to stop projects that seems wasteful. However, the thing that happened was land and resources kept on being used inappropriately, MACC's investigation on corruption case involving PR Exco was politicized which led to the death of a vital witness, and wasteful projects kept on running. Regarding providing money to rakyat in the other hand, including money for children of Selangor who are in universities, starting fund for Selangor babies, TASKA subsidies, single mothers' allowance, housewives' allowance, insurance for OKU, scholarship, free pre-school education and home for every family, does not go anywhere. However, Selangor government denied that the claim that they have not paid any of the fund promises and according to their checklist, a few matters have been implemented, ot in other words, a few rakyat did get the benefit. They include TASKA subsidy worth RM50-RM100 and starting fund for Selangor-born citizen worth RM100. We cannot help but to ask, who received those funds? Because, no procedures were followed in terms of announcements, to inform rakyat on ways to claim for these promises. Instead, they simply claim that rakyat have gotten those things. Also mentioned, assessment tax will be reduced, However, not just that it was not implemented, a few areas in Selangor, the tax was increased. The same thing goes to the statement saying that they would observe development and preserve the environment. Let's not talk about development, they cannot even manage the matter of waste management issue in kedah Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan, which never really occurred during BN's era. Whatever it is, we should accept that rakyat do not have any rights to question promises that are unfulfilled because "Manifesto Is Not A Form Of Promise" and that it is just a "Lie". Thus, rakyat should not hope for anything from PR's Manifesto Tipu Rakyat that will be launched this February 25, because it is just another paperwork to please rakyat. Not all Malaysians are as stupid as Anwar Ibrahim who failed to understand simple economics which almost led this country towards bankruptcy when he was the Finance Minister. Besides, no one need to be smart to understand the statement 'Manifesto Is Not A Form Of Promise". |
GE13: Ulama UMNO VS PAS Celebrities Posted: 20 Feb 2013 05:30 AM PST These days, UMNO has been working hard to approach Ulama group other than hosting religious programs involving international Ulama. This new approach proves how serious UMNO really is in defending Islam, and Malays as its 'guards' for Malays' status as well as the Royal Institution. Even then, UMNO never uses religion for any political motives. Instead, UMNO often welcome opinions from Ulama to find ways to strengthen UMNO's 'nature'. There is even rumor saying that UMNO will be listing a few Ulama as the party's GE13 candidates. Few of the names include a personality from Ulama Muda Umno (ILMU), Ustaz Fathul Bari Mat Jahaya. ILMU features religious leaders which practices professional approach towards their ceramah, by using academic arguments and promotes unity to drive ummah towards the advanced culture in order to stay relevant today. However, at the same time, we realize that such approach seems a but tough to gain any interest from most Muslims who love the light form of dakwah, opposing, being sarcastic, criticizing and insulting others, which does not promote unity at all, other than getting away from Islamic teaching which forbids us from taking over Allah's role to sentence and judge others. That is why, we hope that if any leaders in ILMU ever get into the political arena, this could change the ways Malaysian Muslims think. Other than ILMU, there is another rumor saying that a few other names listed as part of UMNO's political arena include Perlis Mufti, Dr Juanda Jaya and Ustazah Norbahiyah as well as a few others. If the rumors are true, then these Ulama should realize that their role is not limited to religious issues only, they should also have the skills to administrate and understand the intricacies of the economy. We do not want their constituencies to end up like Kelantan, a slow undeveloped state led by 'Ulama'. We do not want anyone to make fun of the term 'Ulama' and 'Islam' just because these leaders are unable to perform their task well. The interesting thing about UMNO's commitment in improving the party by getting a lot closer to Islam would be their closest competition, PAS. PAS is somehow taking the opposite approach. Since they work alongside DAP and PKR, PAS has been working hard to show an open image, leaving their extreme image. PAS is proud to get celebrities endorsing their party and at the same time, tries to portray that Ulama PAS are moderate people. PAS often promote problematic celebrities such as Bob Lokman, Abby Abadi or Aishah as 'icons', even more than their Ulama. These celebrities are dragged around the country to give ceramah on religion, something which they just recently found. You can imagine how ridiculous their ceramah are, blaming others by saying that they are turning kafir, and how they became so 'arrogant' that they end up challenging to debate with Ulma, just because the Ulama do not support PAS. PAS claimed that they managed to have these celebrities as the proof to the effectiveness of their tarbiyah. The fact is, this only show how uneducated the celebrities are. Looking at how determined PAS is to prove that their party practices openness, it is not impossible that PAS would list these celebrities as their GE13 candidates. If that is true, Malaysians can expect to watch one of the most lively election campaign in history as Ulama UMNO clashes with PAS celebrities. |
Posted: 20 Feb 2013 03:51 AM PST FEAR struck the oppositions when Najib Tun Razak screened Tanda Putra to Felda settlers a few days ago – a movie about the sacrifices of two great Malaysian leaders in facing challenges while same time building the nation, uniting the multi-racial and multi-religious Malaysia. Along the way, the May 13 riots came and how both leaders handle the touchy situation while struggling to annihilate the communists insurgents which ended only in 1986. The movie is just like any other movie of same genre – such as Gandhi – should not have been made an issue as it is just a movie depicting the enigmatic leadership quelling racial uprising on the agitation by communists insurgents and how they put the country back on track. There is nothing sinister about the movie and nothing that can create a Malay uprising or racial clash or anything of that sort. Hong Kong have produced so many patriotic movies ridiculing and running down Japanese and other races and the movies were screened here without anybody making any noise. So whats wrong with Najib screening Tanda Putra to Felda settlers? After all, the movie can enhance the settlers knowledge on history of the country and feel the hardship of the country's leaders in trying to make Malaysia a developed and peaceful country. Bersih's grumblings and noises on the movie has no ground and baseless and of course, Bersih is actually voicing out the minds of the oppositions for the fear that the movie would influence the minds and hearts of Malays to vote for Umno. FEAR is normal and oppositions have to face the challenges just as Umno and BN are experiencing right now. But when Bersih protested against the screening of Tanda Putra, this truly reflects the FEAR that now envelops the opposition pact as when the Malays unite, especially the rural Malays who are the backbone of Umno, then the opposition pact can 'kiss goodbye' to their dream of Putrajaya. The Malays are actually running away from them – DAP being chauvinistic Chinese, PKR having jokers and ridiculed by DAP while PAS is steering away from the basic struggle of strengthening Islam. The Malays see Anwar Ibrahim and PAS leaders such as Nik Aziz Nik Mat and Abdul Hadi Awang being controlled indirectly by DAP leaders and how these Malay and Islamic leaders being run-down and belittled. Tanda Putra the movie is just a reminder, just like the movie Gandhi, on how the population should value and appreciate what they have right now from the sacrifices of former leaders. What the opposition FEAR is that the movie could hit the Malays hearts and minds and made them think deeper on which party to vote come election. This FEAR seeps into the minds and hearts of opposition leaders which now make them very jittery of whatever moves Umno and BN make, a real FEAR of losing everything they have been fighting for all this while – power and the opportunity to dictate – not divide and rule and dictate. Losing influence, especially at this present moment is a very dangerous thing but the opposition pact leaders know this is happening and with Tanda Putra movie being screened to selected targets, their FEAR becomes real…very real. |
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